PCC Women’s Golf News
FALL, FALL, FALL…in love
…with Fall Golf !
October!! Can you believe it??? Hoping you are
happy to enjoy the crisp mornings as you head out to
the links to breathe fresh air and enjoy your round.
Hopefully you will have fewer hits before the ball
will FALL in the little hole!
ROADRUNNER was the 8/15 challenge and our
Roadrunner winner was Mel Barnett!!! In Flight A,
1st place went to Cindy Wagner with an 89, 2nd went
to Lisa Carlisle with a 90, 3rd went to Bobbi Mc-
Donald with a 92, but this monthʼs winner was Mel
Barnett with a 95! Flight B had many winners, too!
1st place went to Sue Hale with a 99, 2nd went to
Catherine Forthun with a 100, and 3rd went to Nora
Barlow with a 102.
8/17 was the start of the 3 DAY ECLECTIC! Flight
C 1st place went to Catherine Forthun with a 61, 2nd
place went to Jane Neville with a 64, and 3rd place
was a tie at 65 for Nancy Peterson and Ronnie
Expires: 10-31-17
Wetzel. Flight B 1st went to Sandy
Gilderoy with a 62, Lazona Lindner
came in 2nd with a 63, and Nora Bar-
low shot a 66 for 3rd place. Flight A
1st place went to Lisa Carlisle with a
62, Mel Barnett shot a 64 for 2nd, and
Ellie Tanzer shot a 65 for 3rd place.
2 PERSON LOW NET was the game on 8/29 and
our winners were Mel Barnett and Char Mollineaux
shooting a 147 followed by a 2nd place tie at 150 for
Catherine Forthun and Ronnie Wetzel as well as Lisa
Carlisle and Sue Hale.
BEAT THE 2016 CLUB CHAMPION was played on 8/
31 and many ladies were ready for the challenge. Ellie
Tanzer was our Club Champ last year and the following
women beat her score of 77 on 8/31/17:
Catherine Forthun 66; Sandy Mitchell 69
Mel Barnett 71; Lisa Carlisle 74 Sandy Gilderoy 74;
Jane Neville 74; Nancy Peterson 76
QUAIL was tons of fun on 9/5 and Sandy Mitchell was
our Quail Winner! In Flight B, Sandy Mitchell came
in 1st with a 70 followed by Catherine Forthun in 2nd
with a 73, and Dolores Wolfe in 3rd with a 76. In Flight
A 1st place went to Bobbi McDonald with a 73 and
there was a 3 way tie for 2nd with a score of 74: Lisa
Carlisle, Mel Barnett, and Marge Simpson.
THREE PERSON SCRAMBLE was a blast on 9/7!
Why, you ask? Well, the team effort of Perry Hed-
strom, Lyn Egenberger and Catherine Forthun could
not be beat with a score of 52! (Can you tell Perry was
excited to finally put her own name in print results!!!)
A 2nd place tie went to two teams scoring a 58 :Nancy
Peterson, Lazona Lindner and Linda Hushof as well as
Barb Brown, Marge Simpson and Lisa Carlisle.
BETTER NINE…..what a fine time on 9/12! Flight A
had a 1st place taken by Barb Brown with a 35. 2nd
place close behind was Marge Simpson with a 35.5
and 3rd went to Sandy Gilderoy with a 37! In Flight
B, Catherine Forthun took 1st place with a 34 and Lyn
Egenberger took 2nd with a 36.5 followed by Sue Hale
with a 37 for 3rd place.
Golly Gee, I do love Fall, but most of all I crave that
unique sound of the ball FALLing into the cup!
Per :o)
pccnews October 2017