PCC News Monthly March 2016 | Page 14

Food for Thought A s a child our family ate three simple meals a day. Breakfast was porridge or oats and a slice of toast washed down with a glass of milk. Lunch was a sandwich and a fresh fruit. Dinner was three vegetables and meat. Sundays were special. There was roast meat, crisp roast potatoes and three other vegetables. But the highlight was having dessert on Sunday. We never went hungry, seldom did we get ill and none of us were overweight. Today a trip to any food emporium makes us realize how spoilt we are for choice. Sadly the cheapest foods are filled with fat, sugar and salt. Many of them are tasty but offer very little nutrition. Look around as you do your shopping. Often you will note that there are very few fresh fruits and vegetables in trolleys that are filled with processed, readymade items. What factors influence what we feed our family? A limited budget, lack of time or pure laziness may be possible reasons. Making a simple meal does not mean hours slaving over a hot stove or breaking the budget. Try shopping with a different mindset. Aim for cheaper cuts of meat and look out for special offers. Buy a bag of potatoes and onions to last for the week. Choose vegetables and fruits in season which are offered at a reasonable price. Ground beef is a fantastic staple in any household. Three pounds can feed a family of four for two days! At $1.50 per portion (or less if you were lucky enough to get a good deal) it is worth considering this versatile choice. If you prepare the family meal you have control of the budget and more importantly what goes into the meal. Stretch your meals by providing at least three seasonal vegetables. Add beans and lentils to stews and savory ground beef to add more bulk and more protein. Offer a salad as often as possible with your meals. A tin of beets or a few slices of tomato or cucumber will also do the trick. Use avocado pears when they are being offered at a great price. They supply many of our nutritional needs. Raisins, nuts, and other dried fruits are great snacks which will provide far more fuel for the body than that giant muffin or sticky bun. Following a lifestyle of simple meals will provide your family wit