PCC News Monthly July 2016 | Page 20

Reduce Stress with Guided Meditation

Todayʼs fast-paced lifestyle promotes stress in all areas of our lives . At work , home and play we are pushed to do more in shorter periods of time . It seems as if everyone is depending on us to take care of them . Stress impacts both our physical and emotional health and well being . The constant tension created by stress can age us more quickly and wear down the immune system that protects our immunity to disease . You can do something to reduce stress once and for all . One proven and easy way to reduce stress is with guided or visualization meditations . Mediation is a full proof method to combating stress and to creating a balanced lifestyle . For beginners , guided or visualization meditation ( two ways to describe the same technique ) is the place to start . Guided and visualization meditations are relaxing scenarios with calming music in the background . The person on the CD gently instructs you to visualize , imagine , or to think about a stress reducing scenario that the guide is sharing with you . The scenario is usually something simple and easy to relate to such as walking through the woods or sitting on a secluded beach . There have been several medical studies that confirm meditation as a viable way to treat stress related conditions . Research studies have shown that meditation has helped to lower blood pressure , lower blood sugar in diabetics , and lower anxiety levels . Studies have also shown that those who practice meditation on a regular basis visit the doctors less often than their non meditating counterparts . There are many benefits from meditation :
• Increases energy levels .
• Deep conscious relaxation
• Improved concentration .
• Strengthens the immune system .
• Slows the aging process .
• Increases creativity .
• Helps to release addictions .
• Reduces stress .
• Increases intelligence . The benefits to beginning a meditation practice go beyond the 20 minutes of time that you put into practicing . When you deeply relax into a state of calm and tranquility , it provides your body a mini-vacation . It is as if you peel off layers of tension and stress and find the real you that exist outside this stress filled
20 July 2016 pccnews battle zone . Meditation sessions reset your internal computer back to normal and balanced . Besides the feeling of peace and relaxation , your energy and vitality increase , the brain fog clears and you are able to concentrate better . Guided meditation provides a deeper conscious relaxation . When you sleep you may not necessarily feel rested or energized . When you meditate your entire body and mind relaxes . All that is required of the listener is that they turn off their phones and find a quiet place to sit to listen to the guided CD for about 15-25 minutes . The investment is minimal – the purchase of a guided meditation CD and your dedication to practicing once a day . Dawn Fleming , Life Coach and Reiki Master www . energytransformations . org

Mark your Calendar to Beat the Heat & have FUN at �CASAʼs 3rd Annual :

“ Simply Seniors

FREE Fun Fest ”

In Honor of National Senior Citizenʼs Day

WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 24 10:30am - 2:30pm
CASA – Meals-on-Wheels PV Active Adult Center 9360 E . Manzanita Cir . Prescott Valley
Exciting , Fun-Packed Events and Games ! LUNCH ( 11:30-12:30 ) is also FREE with RESERVATION – 772-3337

Play the GAMES and WIN lots of FUN Prizes !
Raffle Tickets also for sale : $ 1 ea . or 6 tickets for $ 5 to win Valuable Prizes .
Event SPONSORS and PARTICIPATING Agencies and Businesses include : Nurses Network & Heritage Memorial and More !
Hosted by : CASA Meals-on-Wheels , to Honor our Local Senior Citizens