Finicky Used Furniture
“Beds & appliances too”
Look for the big bright
red & yellow building
right next door to
Events continued from page 25
Senior Action Day
October 5
Attention Quad-City Seniors. Mark Your Calendar, OCTOBER 5 the State of
Arizona Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging will be sponsoring a “Senior
Action Day”.
Be Prepared to Express your Ideas to Improve the Quality of Life for
Seniors in our area!
The event will be held at CASA Precott Valley’s Active Adult Center, 9360
E. Manzanita Circle.
Make your reservations TODAY for a FREE, 3-Course Luncheon! 928-7723337
Many Dignitaries, Government Officials and the press will be present to
listen to your ideas!
7247 E 1st St., PV
BIG STORE on one floor!
10,000 sq. ft. of wall to wall deals
Beds & Appliances too!
(928) 772-9599
Both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on Independence Day,
July 4, 1826.
Our knowledge of
Mortuary and Cemetery
options completes our
understanding of all
aspects of pre-planning
Your Dewey-Humboldt Town Library News!
2735 Corral St. in Humboldt • (928) 632-5049
Our Summer Reading activities are in full swing. As the kids continue
to read through the summer, we invite them to come in for our fun
Renowned Storyteller Jim Cogan will present at the library on
Wednesday, July 8: 10:00 – 11:00am with “Superheroes in Action”.
“Superheroes lend themselves to a wealth of oral tales told in
language rhythms that tout positive values like character and caring,
courage and creativity and highlight heroic actions in an endless
stream of exciting adventures.” Come and listen to Jim tell us funny
and imaginative superhero stories! Please register in advance.
Story Time with Ms. Maizie, for ages 3-7, for our youngest readers
on Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:00am, on July 15 and 22. Come for fun
hero stories! Please register in advance.
Afternoon Games, for ages 7 and up, will be held on Wednesdays:
2:30 - 4:00 pm. Kids can come down to play board games including
Battleship, Connect 4, Chess, Checkers, Candy Land, Sorry!, Monopoly
Jr., Scrabble, Dominoes, Parcheesi, Clue, and more! Also, we’ll have
the Wii out to play on the library’s huge 90” movie screen. Come and
play Super Mario Bros., Wii Sports Resort, Mario Karts, Just Dance
3, Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games, Mario Sports Mix,
and more! Bring your Wii games to the library to play against others!
Afternoon Games will be held on July 8, 15, and 22.
Also, the library will have Family Summer Movies on Saturdays: 2:00