The Herbalist - Respect Your Elders
I have a few herbs I believe could help just about any-
thing. There are herbs to nourish, to strengthen, to tone and
to relax. I write about herbs that are multi functional and
exist to help our bodies become more resistant to disease.
But what do you do when it hits you, when that horrible
cold or flu just won’t let you do anything but stay in bed?
Here’s what you do. Stay home. Drink plenty of fluids
and call me in the morning. Well, kidding, but staying
home and drinking your fluids is a good start. There is
also a powerhouse ready to help you. Elderberry (Sam-
bucas Nigra) has proven to help reduce risk of getting the
flu in the first place but it also helps you to recover much
more quickly. Elderberries are full of nutrition and im-
mune boosting qualities that are safe for everyone, babies
to elders. They are rich in iron, vitamin C and flavonoids.
Flavonoids are found to help reduce your risk of disease,
inflammation and oxidation of cells.
A great deal of research has been conducted to deter-
mine how effective the use of Elderberry syrup for its use
in colds and flu with great results. No matter what strain
of flu is around from year to year, Elderberries don’t dis-
criminate, they go after all of them. And, since both the
common cold and the flu are viral in nature, antibiotics
will not help. This is where the berries shine since they are
a rich source of antimicrobial power.
10 January 2018 pccnews
I make my own syrup from dried berries and I add oth-
er herbs and spices that will not only aid the berries in
their amazing power, but taste delicious, like cinnamon
and ginger. If you are even only slightly ambitious, this is
an easy task. There are several herb shops in downtown
Prescott that sell them. I love to make my own medicine.
If you prefer to buy it premade, there are several local
health food stores that sell the syrup.
The syrup can be taken to keep your system strong,
helping to reduce your risk of becoming ill, or you can
take larger doses if you find yourself already under the
weather. It will greatly shorten recovery time. To stay safe
and healthy, I begin taking it early December and don’t
stop until after the flu is gone from the area.
For additional information on this wonderful food, as
well as a recipe to make your own, go to this link online
elderberry-syrup/. The best part is that this is delicious
So, Happy New Year, stay healthy and don’t forget to
respect your Elders, they will take very good care of you.
– Sue Elhbeck, MC Herbalist
[email protected]