Reiki for Healing Eye Issues
Eye issues and diseases can develop because the energy
the feeds the optic nerves and all other parts of the eyes
have been compromised, blocked or fragmented in some
way. Energy is the foundation of what feeds our physical
body and energy is found in every cell of our body. When
the energy that is supposed to support eyesight is not flow-
ing in the eyes, eye sight is lost or skewed in some way.
So when I do Reiki on the eyes I look at what is and is
not happening regarding the energy dynamics that support
the eyes. There are many Reiki tools that will remove the
blocks, restore energy pathways, and boost the energy in
areas that have not been receiving energy for a long period
of time. Where energy flows, healing happens.
In 2016 when I had my appointment with the eye doctor,
he said that the pressures was way too high. He explained
that in some people it was normal, but in others it was a
sign of glaucoma. I did Reiki on my eyes everyday with
the intention to lower the pressure and to remove any ener-
gy blocks in the areas. When I went back for the glaucoma
testing eight weeks later, I did not have glaucoma and my
pressures were down to 16 and 18.
The whole reason that I got into energy work to begin
with is that my daughter had a cataract in one eye when she
was 5 years old in 1987. After surgery her eyesight in that
eye was 20/400. Their approach to this healing this was
to patch her good eye to restore the muscles and vision in
her bad eye. Their approach was not working. Her eyes
did not heal until Reiki was introduced by my friends. Her
next eye appointment two months later showed a 40 point
improvement. By the time she was nine her vision was
20/50, better than what the doctor had told us to expect.
A lot of the treatments that the medical world offers for
eyes do not offer guarantees and some can cause further
issues. Reiki has does not offer guarantees either, but it
offers the restoration of energy pathways that impact eye-
sight. Reiki offers a calming energy that helps to reduce
stress. Stress is a major factor in creating physical imbal-
ances in the body.
– Dawn Fleming, Reiki Master
[email protected]
Is Your Energy Low?
Are You Feeling Stressed or Dealing with Health Issues?
R EIKI just might be what you need to kick start your healing process!
Reiki is a natural way to restore health & well-being, and it feels good too!
Reiki Master Dawn Fleming has over 28 years experience working with clients with
a variety of health issues.
Dawn’s office is conveniently located in PCC.
Visit her website at:
She invites you to read the testimonials of how her clients have
had health improvements addressing a range of health issues.
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pccnews February 2018 9