PC Build Manual 1 | Page 8

PSU Mounting Screws

Now that you have the PSU set in its place its important to mount it to the case. The screws will usually come with the case. Four screws will be present in order to attach the PSU to the case. They are highlighted in the image to the left. The screws shouldnt be tightened too much as if the PSU fails or needs to be replaced its important to make the disassembly as easy as possible to avoid damaging any other parts. Now that the screws are in, if you have a modular power supply you are done for now, but if you dont you should probably run all the cable through to the back of the case so you have room to work on your PC.

Now that everything is in the case and connected to the motherboard its important to get power to them. This will involve finding the right cables and connecting them to the right components. Its a fairly simple process as nothing is going to fit where it shouldnt. However if you do get stuck the motherboard user manual will contain all of the information you need in order to progress and connect all of your parts. Whilst doing this its important to keep in mind the next step as you dont want to turn your PC into an ugly mess. You want it to be something you can be proud of and appreciate. Also make sure no cables are tangled or remotely interfering with any of the cooling components such as fans.

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Connecting the Components

Cable Management