Complimentary Health Tips :)
From PBGH to YOU!
1. Take a Smoke Free Break
-Taking Small breaks in the day allow you to regroup & recharge
-Find out your company's break policy
-Walk around the building with a coworker
- Take th stairs down to the first level, grab a breath of fresh air, walk back up!
- Stretch out your arms, legs, back, neck
- Jog around your floor
2. 3x10
ACSM recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 30 minutes a day 5 times a week.
-Spend 10 Minutes
- Take the Stairs
- Walk back and forth to the copier
- Walk to your coworkers desk instead of sending a memo
- Walk briskly or jog to your meetings
- Take teh elevator down and walk up!
- Walk around the building
3. Resolution Re-Do
Do you remember your resolutions from January?
-Rewrite them ---- New or old!
- Revamp resolutions to make them attainable
- Tell a friend to hold yourself accountable!
-Post resolutions somewhere you will see them everyday.
4. Hydration
Water makes up to 75% of your body. It keeps muscles, organs, hair, skin, and nails nice, while aiding in digestion and subsiding hunger.
-Each day strive to
- Keep a water bottle on your desk
- Drink the number of ounces of water as half your body weight
- Fill a cup at the water cooler once every hour
- Always sip!
- Add water to each meal, one glass before, during, and after