PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_sept2018 | Page 3

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Palm Beach County Bar Association announces its
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After nearly 18 months working out of temporary space , we ’ re excited to be moving back to 1507 Belvedere Road ! Help us celebrate by purchasing a plate in your name including the year you joined the Palm Beach County Bar Association . Your name will be proudly seen on our �����������������������������������
��������������������������� ���and displayed in our office for many years to come !
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( Firm or individual )
( Individual )
( Individual )
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Please complete this form and mail it along with your check to : PBCBA Grand Re-Opening , P . O . Box 17726 , West Palm Beach , FL 33416
Credit card payment / Name on the card : ______________________________________ Card number : __________________________ Expiration date : ____________ Code : _____________ Signature : ____________________________________
Or , purchase your personalized plate online @ palmbeachbar . org
Plates will be displayed on the plaque in the order in which they ’ re received .
( Individual )