Presented by the Construction Law CLE Committee
Friday , September 28 , 2018 8:30 a . m . to 12:00 p . m .
Bar Association Office 1507 Belvedere Road , West Palm Beach
This seminar will focus on perfecting lien rights , rights and obligations of both lienors and property owners , prosecuting and defending against lien foreclosure actions , and avoiding pitfalls .
Agenda includes :
Welcome and Opening Remarks by William J . Cea , Esq ., Becker & Poliakoff , P . A ., Chair , Construction Law Committee **
Establishing a Lien : Who and When ? by Richard Chaves , Esq ., Ciklin Lubitz * This presentation will cover the basis for liens under applicable statutes , who is entitled to record a lien , and preliminary conditions and deadlines for the lien .
Navigating the Process : by Craig Distel , Esq ., McDonald Hopkins , LLC . This presentation will cover the nonjudicial aspects of implementing the lien law , including , for example , proper payment and lien releases , contractor affidavits and demands for sworn statements of account available under Chapter 713 .
Enforcement , Remedies and Bonds : by Richard Cartlidge , Esq ., Mrachek Law * This presentation will focus on the tools that can be utilized by lienors and owners in the prosecution and defense of lien claims . The discussion will focus on the pitfalls that lienors must be prepared for and the defenses that owners have to liens , including those that were otherwise properly perfected .
* Board Certified in Construction Law ; ** Board Certified in Construction Law and Certified Circuit Civil Mediator
3.5 CLER ; 3.5 CERTIFICATION CREDITS IN CONSTRUCTION LAW AND REAL ESTATE . COST : $ 100.00 PBCBA MEMBERS ~ $ 140.00 NON MEMBERS . Register online at www . palmbeachbar . org or by mail ( return this form with your check ). Those registering after 9 / 21 / 18 add $ 10.00 late fee . All refund requests must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the seminar .
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____ I will not be able to attend the seminar , however I would like to order the audio . The cost is the same as above , however please include $ 10 for shipping & handling . Allow 2 weeks for delivery . PBCBA , 1507 Belvedere Rd ., WPB , 33416 . 9 / 28 / 18 Const .