PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_sept2018 | Page 19
NCS S e c t i o n
Pass the Gavel
to our
North County Section’s Officers &
Directors 2018-19
Officers (Left to Right): Wayne
Richter (President-Elect); W Mason
(Immediate Past President) and David
Steinfeld (President) the
Honorable Don Hafele administered
the Oath during an informal Board of
Directors dinner.
Directors: Matt Okell, W Mason
(Immediate Past President); Nick
Johnson, Lindsay Warner, Tanique
Lee, Barry Balmuth with the
Honorable Don Hafele (not pictured:
Misty Chaves, Rina Clemens, Larry
Strauss, Rebecca Brock and
Amy Pettway)
In Memoriam
The Benefits of Membership
in the North County Section
For only a $25 Annual Section Membership Fee you get:
• Free events and happy hours
• Reduced price attendance at all NCS events:
including the Holiday Party, Casino Night, & Jurist of the Year
• Access to Members’ Only happy hours
NCS is about connecting attorneys and paralegals who live
and practice in North County or want to. Join us and come see.
- David Steinfeld, NCS President
Thornton M. (Tim) Henry