PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_october 2018 | Page 8

(Cont. from pg. 4) My Journey to Find Work-Life Balance and Manage the Demands of the Legal Profession but I committed to make myself and my mental and physical health a priority. I had gone through periods of time in my life where I worked out, but I never made it a priority. That changed and working out became something I did for myself. It was and continues to be something scheduled into my regular routine that I consider to be just as, if not more, important than any other appointment on my calendar. I had grown up around the beach and loved surfing but hadn’t done it for years in large part because there never seemed to be enough time for hobbies. At the urging of my counselor I did something spontaneous, I bought a surfboard and took up surfing again. Sadly, its not like riding a bike but it is something I love doing and I make time to do it as often as I can. I also allow myself to take vacations and even though it is nearly impossible to disconnect completely I try to limit the times when I check emails, etc. When I think about the mountains of work that will be waiting for me when I get back, now I remind myself that I will be re-charged and in a better frame of mind to tackle it. Sure, I sometimes feel guilty about taking so much time for myself, but I have realized that when I find the proper balance I’m a much better and more productive lawyer. More importantly, I‘m a better father, partner and friend. The legal profession will always be demanding, and the stakes will remain high, after all that’s what makes it so exciting, but acknowledging it and training myself to manage the pressures in healthy ways has been a game-changer for me. I was lucky to be able to start my journey towards a healthier and happier work-life before my situation got worse. I’m hopeful that our legal community, young and old, partners and associates and, judges and attorneys, alike will support each other in finding that balance. If we do I’m certain that all of us will have happier, more productive careers.                                                Price increases by $10.00 on 12/1/18                                          T HINKING OF O PENING Y OUR O WN P RACTICE ? Join us for an early afternoon CLE & Cocktail Reception Presented by the Solo and Small Firm Committee Friday, October 19 Abacoa Country Club 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter       K INDLY RSVP ONLINE @ P ALM B EACH B AR . ORG   Bob Greenberg, CLTC Insurance Services Greg Huber