PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_october 2018 | Page 7
ADR C o r n e r
October is Conflict Resolution Month – A Reminder
“Now Is Such A Time”
October is recognized around the world
as Conflict Resolution Month to promote
and celebrate peaceful conflict resolution
practices worldwide.
The Association
for Conflict Resolution (ACR), in 2005
established the third Thursday in October
as “Conflict Resolution Day” and this year
it is October 18th. ABA Mediation Week
this year is October 14-20. For history of
these events see prior October issues of
The Bar Bulletin, which can accessed on
the Bar Association website at http://www.
palmbeachbar.org/adr .
My article this
year focuses on the current state of “public
discourse” in our country, with a suggested
tool anyone can use to help de-escalate the
emotions that inhibit civil social discourse,
and what our ADR committee is doing to
promote ADR in our community.
I recently learned about a tool to encourage
“civil discourse” called “Non-Violent
Communication” (NCV) developed by
Marshal Rosenberg, an award winning
psychologist, mediator, author and teacher.
It has been internationally recognized as
a tool to eliminate negative emotions and
transform confrontation into collaboration.
It utilizes some very simple techniques
that can help lead to better understanding
in any high emotion discussion, be it about
politics, sports, religion or family. I urge
you to find out more about NCV and how
you can use it at the website of The Center
For Nonviolent Communication at https://
“In recent years, public discourse has turned
increasingly sour and contentious, and is
getting worse. Reason and orderly debate
all too often are giving way to invective,
distortion, and gamesmanship. Once the
art of compromise and statesmanship,
political debate is now too commonly a
battle between extremes, where power, not
reason, prevails, and where closed minds
simply seek to impose a point of view
rather than listen respectfully to others and
work with the legitimate issues they raise.”
“Lawyers play many roles in modern
society. We serve as advocates for clients,
as members of our community boards,
and as judges sworn to uphold the rule of
law. We are career public servants and
elected officials, political advisors and
media experts. We are even journalists,
business leaders, and sports figures. In
all these walks of life and more, lawyers
are leaders in our society. This gives us
a unique opportunity, and obligation, to
make important contributions at important
“Now is such a time. Contemporary
political discourse continues to spiral to
unprecedented levels of acrimony and
venom, thereby endangering not only the
quality of decision making about important
public issues, but also the very lives and
safety of public servants and citizens. A
true and free democratic society cannot
long endure in such a toxic environment. It
is time for lawyers as leaders in our society,
and the ABA as the leader of leaders, to
stand and take action.”
The preceding three paragraphs are
excerpts from American Bar Association
Resolution 108. What makes Resolution
108 noteworthy is the date it was adopted
by the ABA House of Delegates, August
8-9, 2011. The full text can be found at
ABA 2011 Resolution 108. The resolution
urges lawyers and bar associations to take
meaningful steps to promote a more civil
and deliberative public discourse. The ABA
Dispute Resolution Section established
Mediation Week in 2011 as one such step
and has declared the theme for Mediation
Week 2018 to be “Mediation, Civil Discourse,
and ABA 2011 Resolution 108” to remind us
that the current toxic environment did not
arise suddenly.
Our ADR Committee has for many years
promoted the practice and purpose of
ADR in our community. During Conflict
Resolution Month and Mediation Week,
the Committee has provided speakers,
obtained government proclamations and
sponsored student essay and arts contests.
Proclamations are being presented this
year by The County Commission, School
Board and over ten municipalities. This
year’s essay contest invites public school
10th and 12th graders to write about
the topic “Mediation – A Civil Way to
Resolve Disputes.” Winning students and
their teachers will be recognized during
Mediation Week.
The Committee has
speakers available to speak to groups about
mediation and ADR in general, not just
during October, but year round. Anyone
who knows a group that would like someone
to speak about ADR should email Bruce
Blitman at [email protected] or Jeff
Marcus at [email protected]. Please
check out the ADR Committee webpage at
http://www.palmbeachbar.org/adr for other
resources about mediation and ADR.
Political and public discourse has devolved
to “us versus them” tweets, social media
sound bites, rallies and at times even
violence. As resolution 108 stated years
ago, democracy “cannot long endure in
such a toxic environment” and “lawyers are
leaders in our society.” The situation has
only gotten worse since 2011. We lawyers
have an obligation to do more to promote
civil and deliberative public discourse. As
Resolution 108 reminds us “Key elements
of civil public discourse include dialogue,
respectful communication and informed
public decision-making.” Please consider
what you can do to encourage civil public
discourse whenever presented with the
opportunity to do so, and do it. Remember:
“The only thing necessary f or the triumph of
evil over good is for good men to do nothing”
– Edmond Burke