PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_november 2018 | Page 23

Palm Beach County Bar Association CLE Ordering Purchase CD’s, DVD’s, MP3’s & MP4’s recorded at previous seminars for CLE hours. Limited MP4s at this time. *MP4’s include the audio as well as any live PowerPoint presentations made during the seminar The Palm Beach County Bar Association (PBCBA) offers CLE hours from the sale of audio CD’s recorded at previously held live seminars of the Association. We also have copies of audio CD’s of live seminars from the Orange Co. Bar Assoc. (OCBA), Clearwater Bar Assoc.(CBA), Hillsborough Co. Bar Assoc.(HCBA), and the Dade Co. Bar Assoc. (DCBA). ORDERIN G INFORMATION : (include $10 for shipping) Order onlin e at https://cle.palmbeachbar.org/ Order by m ail: Print this page and mail your order information along with payment to PBCBA, 1507 Belvedere Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33406. If you are a current PBCBA member in good standing, you are entitled to order our courses at a reduced rate. Please login to our website with your FL Bar number to take advantage of member pricing. Not yet a member or need to renew your membership? Please visit our Membership Application page on our website for more details.