PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_november 2018 | Page 18
Are You Out of Alignment?
I was driving my car a few weeks ago
and it kept pulling to the right. It felt
like the car had a mind of its own and
was fighting with me to go in a different
direction. It forced me to continually
turn the steering wheel hard to the left
just to go straight. It was exhausting.
What am I Passionate about and
checking your phone every 10 seconds, 1.
eating, gambling, surfing the internet…. how can I do more of it?
Anything to numb yourself to the pain
What do I value, and how can I
of living a life without purpose.
develop these Principles so they define
Then before you know it 5 years have my character for the rest of my life?
passed, then 10, then 20, and you never
What is my Purpose? Who am
aligned with your purpose. You sucked 3.
it up and went through the motions I and what am I here for? What is the
because it was the safe thing to do. One Thing I am supposed to accomplish
You tell yourself it’s what your family, in my life, and what does that mean for
friends, and society expected from you. me right now? That is, what is today’s
While every day another piece of you One Thing connected to my big One
dies inside.
After a few days, I brought the car to
an auto mechanic. He knew what
questions to ask, inspected the car, and
diagnosed it as being out of alignment.
He then did the work necessary to put
the car back into alignment. Whereas
driving the car was a chore, now that
But it’s never too late. It’s never too late
it’s aligned – it’s a pleasure.
to do the deep work and get aligned
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has with your purpose. When you are
experienced driving a car that’s out aligned with your purpose you will
of alignment. And I’m also sure you always be able to answer the question
did the same thing I did, you took “why?” All your actions and decisions
the actions necessary to get your car will flow from a place of clarity, calm,
aligned. It’s the obvious thing to do. and centeredness. Success will come
But there’s another area where people as a by-product of being in alignment
are frequently out of alignment and do with your purpose.
nothing - their life purpose.
A great exercise for getting aligned
How do you know when you’re out with your purpose can be found in
of alignment with your life purpose? the book Unbeatable Mind by former
You feel it in your gut. On the outside, Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine.
it looks like you’ve got it all figured Commander Divine refers to it as the
out but on the inside…something is Three Ps and One Thing. I’ve used
missing. You feel empty. You know the exercise myself and with clients
there’s something more for you but to help them align with their purpose.
you’re afraid.
So you keep going Answering these questions will help
down the same safe path because it’s you get started as well.
comfortable. And it eats at you every
single day and crushes your spirit.
You find yourself filling your life with
distractions – social media, sports,
politics, porn, mindless television,
How do I take my One Thing
and activate it in the world?
These questions just scratch the surface.
But if you answer them honestly you’ll
be on the path to alignment with your
Brian M. Moskowitz is the Founder of Attorney Revolution,
Inc., a Training, Coaching, and Consulting company for
lawyers and law firms. He is also a solo practitioner in Boca
Raton. Brian can be reached at Brian@AttorneyRevolution.