PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_Nov. 2019 | Page 5
Innovative Solutions Through Mediation
A significant and often overlooked benefit
of mediation is the broad range of possible
solutions available. While most mediations
are viewed as a matter of dollars and
cents, in certain disputes, creativity and
an effectively structured process can
increase the likelihood of a resolution.
Unfortunately, parties often miss potential
“win-win” solutions and focus only on
resolutions based upon possible trial
outcomes. The following are tips for each
stage of the process to unlock these often-
missed opportunities.
Before the mediation, counsel and their
clients should evaluate the risks and costs
of possible trial outcomes. Next, identify
and evaluate alternative solutions by asking
and answering the following questions: (1)
Is there is a desire for an ongoing business
relationship? (2) If so, how can the existing
relationship be altered to avoid similar
disputes in the future? (3) Other than
what they may get at trial, what else would
either party want or be willing to provide
in a negotiated settlement? (4) Are there
items that one party wants that may be of
greater value to them than the cost to the
other party? (5) Are there other disputes
between the parties that can be resolved in
the mediation? Answer these questions to
develop a list of alternative solutions. Client
participation in this process is essential.
Next, prepare a mediation brief and
consider sharing it with the other party.
Include, at a minimum, your statement of
the case, potential trial outcomes, possible
alternative solutions you developed from
the questions above, and a list of issues
that need to be resolved at mediation. It
is especially helpful to indicate which
key facts are agreed and which remain
in dispute, your assessment of damages
as supported by the evidence, and how
damages should be calculated. Finally,
schedule a confidential pre-mediation
conference with the mediator.
The Mediation
Your opening statement should be candid
but respectful, and should not only explain
how you view the case but also how you see
it being resolved. Identify what your client
will need in any negotiated agreement.
Discuss your alternative solutions and
how their inclusion in a settlement would
benefit the parties. Actively listen to the
other party’s opening as it may raise other
possible solutions you have not considered.
Observe body language and facial cues and
note any items that appear particularly
valuable or important to a party in the
context of a settlement.
Once the parties separate, let the mediator
help you achieve the desired outcome.
There is little value in paying a third party
to simply run offers between the parties.
Work with the mediator and your client
to determine if additional information is
required in order to craft a meaningful
offer. If so, use the mediator to obtain this
information before making any proposal.
Once you have the information you need,
begin preparing your offer. Refer to your
list of alternative options to see whether
one or more can address any of the needs
of the other party and build your offer
accordingly. Pay particular attention to
the order in which you present each aspect
of the offer. Start with items that address
the needs of the other party. This allows
them to see value in your proposal and may
help avoid an adverse reaction to items
addressing your client’s particular needs.
When preparing the mediator to convey an
offer, proper communication is key. Ensure
he or she fully understands the offer before
presenting it to the other party. This means
understanding each element of the offer,
why it is included, and why it makes sense.
Prepare the mediator to discuss how the
offer benefits each party. Anticipate the
questions that may arise and prepare the
mediator to answer them.
As the mediation progresses, always
be mindful of the issues that remain
in dispute and all possible options for
resolving them. These include monetary
solutions, and other alternative solutions.
Possible alternative solutions include:
future business opportunities; new or
reformed terms to an existing contract or
relationship; rights to bid on future projects;
discounts on future orders or services to be
provided; settlement of other outstanding
disputes between the parties or their
affiliates; indemnification by one party of
the other against future losses or liabilities;
introduction to other business opportunities
or partners; escrow of funds to be credited
to a party based on future events; structured
payouts; gift cards; annuities; payment
with discretionary benefits, company cars,
computers and cell phones in lieu of cash
in employment matters. This list is by no
means exhaustive. Even within each of
these options lie innumerable solutions
that may help eliminate any roadblock to
resolution between parties.
Mediation can be a significant opportunity
for the parties to resolve matters in ways
that make most sense. Many of these
options cannot be awarded by a judge or
jury. It is incumbent upon the parties, their
counsel and the mediator to identify and
incorporate these alternative solutions into
their mediated resolution. Following the
above steps will provide a framework to do
Hunter Marckwald is a Florida Supreme
Court Certified Circuit Court Mediator and is
the founder of Innovative Dispute Solutions,
PLLC mediation practice. Prior to becoming
a mediator, Hunter was in-house counsel
for six publicly traded companies where he
managed litigation, corporate governance,
mergers and acquisitions, regulatory affairs
and securities. Before that, Hunter was a
litigator with two nationally recognized law
firms. Hunter is also available as a receiver,
arbitrator or special master. Contact Hunter
at: [email protected]
or at (561) 619-6941. For more information,
go to www.innovativedisputesolutions.com.