PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_Nov. 2019 | Page 3
Fostering Collegiality Between
the Bench and the Bar
Judges, the Judicial Lunch seminar
series, and the bi-annual judicial
evaluations administered by the
Jessica Callow
2019-20 PBCBA President
Fall is upon us even if the weather
doesn’t quite reflect the season! That
means our Committee Chairs were
working hard for the first few months
of the new bar year to ensure the
Palm Beach County Bar Association
(“PBCBA”) continues to provide its
members with outstanding programs
and events. Committee members,
under the leadership of the Chairs,
create opportunities for networking,
continuing legal education, and
community involvement.
Another opportunity created by
the PBCBA and its committees is
the ability to meet and informally
interact with our local judiciary.
The Judicial Relations Committee,
which is co-chaired this year by
Bridget Berry with Greenberg
Traurig and Roger Feicht with
Gunster, was formed years ago
to serve as a liaison between our
attorneys, aka the Bar, and the
judiciary, aka the Bench. The
goal of the Judicial Relations
Committee is to facilitate better
relations between the Bench and
Bar, and committee events include
the annual Bench Bar Conference,
UMC Coffee and Bagels with the
One of our most successful and
well-attended events is the Bench
Bar Conference held every year
in the Spring. The Bench Bar
Conference subcommittee falls
under the umbrella of the Judicial
Relations Committee and is co-
chaired this year by Salesia Smith-
Gordon with Salesia Smith-Gordon
Law and Michael Pike with Pike &
Lustig, LLP.
On Friday, March 20, 2020, hundreds
of attorneys, state and federal judges
and magistrate judges, paralegals
and law students will convene at
the Palm Beach County Convention
Center to learn about legal issues
covering a variety of practice areas
and earn CLE credit. Attendees break
bread together during a luncheon
featuring updates from the Chief
Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial
Circuit. Additionally, the Sidney
Stubbs Professionalism Award and
the Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity
Award are presented to well-
deserving recipients. The conference
ends with a networking reception
that enables attendees to unwind
before kicking off their weekend.
The Bench Bar Conference is a
success, in part, because of the
continued and much appreciated
participation of our judiciary.
Members of our judiciary volunteer
to sit on breakout session panels
and roundtables where they
provide up-to-date insights on
current legal issues and practice
pointers that are beneficial to new
and seasoned attorneys alike.
While I’m sure every county bar
association believes their local
judiciary is the best in the State,
those of us in Palm Beach County
know this is true of the judges
in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit,
Fourth District Court of Appeal and
Southern District of Florida courts.
There is rarely a PBCBA event that
doesn’t have at least one member
of the judiciary in attendance.
The collegiality fostered by the
judiciary’s participation in our
events and community makes
Palm Beach County an outstanding
place to practice law.
If you are interested in joining the
Bench Bar Conference subcommittee
or simply have exciting ideas for
the Conference to share with the co-
chairs, please contact Salesia Smith-
Gordon at salesia@smithgordonlaw.
com or Michael Pike at pike@
As always, please reach out to
me and the rest of the Board with
any ideas, comments or concerns.
We can be reached at pbcba-
[email protected].
member highlight submissions for
yourself or others should be sent to