PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_May 2019 | Page 6
Judicial Relations & Business Lit. Reception
The Judicial Relations and Business Litigation CLE Committees held a seminar in April on Litigating Attorneys’ Fees. A reception
followed the seminar.
(l-r) Judge Edward Artau, Stephen Winig,
Sandy Myers, Abraham Zaretsky, Zachary
Hudson & Guy Murphy
(l-r) Nichole Segal, Mark Osherow,
Judge Collins & Nina Schmidt
John Carroll & Andrea McMillan
Bankruptcy Seminar Reception
In March the Bankruptcy CLE committee held a seminar entitled, The Role of ESI in Bankruptcy Litigation. A reception followed the
(l-r) Eric Rosen, Committee Chairperson; Stanley Klett;
Tina Talarchyk & Kevin Gleason
I was, and I hope you are, incredibly pleased
upon learning that both resolutions were
approved, nearly unanimously, by over
500 delegates in the House. For those
of you who are parents, I hope that these
resolutions bring you comfort in knowing
that the ABA has the ability to “get your
back” and support what you think would
better us lawyers and our judicial system,
and that includes caring for our families
and our children. Even if you are not a
parent, I nevertheless hope that you also
see how the ABA can help you voice the
causes you believe would improve the
American legal system.
As the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s
delegate, nothing would make me happier
than taking up your idea for a resolution
and bringing it to the House for approval.
If you have a resolution you would like to
propose, or even if you just have an idea
for something that you think might be a
worthwhile resolution, please let me know
as I would love to work with and for you on
thank you all for the opportunity to be your
delegate to the American Bar Association.
All the best,
David Miller
If anyone has any questions, would like a
full copy of the daily journal outlining each
of the resolutions proposed and voted upon
at the 2019 midyear meeting, and/or would
like to speak with me further about what
the ABA can do for you and your practice,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
My phone number is (561)469-1160
(extension 216) and my email is dmiller@
mathisonwhittles.com. If there is anything,
really anything, I as the delegate can do
to serve you, please let me know. Again,
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