PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_May 2019 | Page 10
CDI L u n c h e o n
Battles over Equality and Liberty: The Case of the Rescission of
the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program
The PBCBA’s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion recently held a membership meeting with UCLA Dean Rachel Moran, who spoke on
the challenges recipients of DACA face in their professional and personal lives. Our members were also able to have a personal face put
to the issue when our very own local attorney, Kelsey Burke spoke on overcoming her challenges when immigrating to America.
CDI Committee members along with Dean Rachel Moran. (L-R) Denise
Mutamba, Eunice Baros, Dean Moran, PBCBA Director Jean Marie Middleton
and Amy Pettway
Kelsey Burke and Dean Rachel Moran
PBCBA Director Scott Smith, President-Elect Jessica
Callow, Executive Director Carla Brown and
Director Dean Xenick
Past President Adam Rabin,
PBCBA President Greg Huber and
Past President Grier Pressly
(L-R) PBCBA Director Lindsay Demmery, Amanda Romfh Jesteadt,
Leora Freire, Nadine White-Boyd and Colleen Farnsworth
Jeffrey Jones, Siobhan Shea, Masimba Mutamba