PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_may 2018 | Page 7
ADR C o r n e r
Arbitration Case Law Update
The following are recent cases of interest Newman for Founding Partners Stable
regarding arbitration issues:
Value Fund, LP v. Ernst & Young, LLP, 231 So.
3d 464 (Fla. 4th DCA 2017). Receiver bound
Managed Care Ins. Consultants, Inc. v. by delegation clause requiring arbitrability
United Healthcare I ns. Co., 228 So. 3d 588, claims to be decided by arbitrator.
589–90 (Fla. 4th DCA 2017). Court did not
err in denying motion to vacate award
where arbitrator’s husband’s medical Inspired Capital, LLC v. Conde Nast, 225 So.
practice had business connection with 3d 980 (Fla. 3d DCA 2017). Claim “relates to”
a party. Arbitrator was not obligated to contract for purposes of arbitration clause
disbelieve husband and investigate further; where resolution of disputed issue requires
she did not have actual knowledge of the either reference to, or construction of, a
relationship or potential conflict; nor was portion of the contract.
there any actual bias shown.
Boardwalk Properties Mgmt., INC. v. Emerald
Clinton, LLC, 42 Fla. L. Weekly D2221 (Fla.
4th DCA Oct. 18, 2017). Arbitrator exceeded
authority under arbitration provision
by determining ownership interests not
pertinent to resolution of issue submitted
to arbitration.
Lucky Star Horses, Inc. v. Diamond State
Ins. Co., 233 So. 3d 1159 (Fla. 3d DCA 2017).
Insurer did not waive right to arbitrate the
value of stallion, despite the passage of time,
filing of numerous pleadings, and taking of
depositions, where insurer timely moved to
compel arbitration after party to arbitration
clause was brought into the case.
Chaikin v. Parker Waichman LLP, 42 Fla.
L. Weekly D2165 (Fla. 2d DCA Oct. 11, 2017).
Employer waived right to compel arbitration
of counterclaims filed by former employee
where employer had sued on its arbitrable
claims in court.
Saunders v. St. Cloud 192 Pet Doc Hosp.,
LLC, 224 So. 3d 336 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017).
Employee’s claims not related directly to
employment contract were not subject to
provision to arbitrate all claims “arising out
of or related to” the contract. Mere fact that
employment-related claim would not have
arisen but for existence of the contract does
not transform tort claim into one “arising
out of or relating to” the agreement.
Lowe v. Nissan of Brandon, Inc., 43 Fla.
L. Weekly D103 (Fla. 2d DCA Jan. 5, 2018).
Arbitration may be compelled even where
contract does not contain arbitration
provision where contract is incorporated
into another contract with arbitration
Lake City Fire & Rescue Ass’n, Local 2288 v.
City of Lake City, 1D17-2965, 2018 WL 1189854,
at *2 (Fla. 1st DCA Mar. 8, 2018). Arbitrator
exceeded his power by reducing discipline
imposed on firefighter where arbitration
provision clearly and unambiguously
Pierre by & through Pierre v. Waste Pro limited arbitrator’s power to determine
USA, Inc., 2D17-4395, 2017 WL 6761664, at *1 only whether firefighter “engaged in the
(Fla. 2d DCA Dec. 1, 2017). Orders denying misconduct alleged.”
confirmation of arbitration awards are not
appealable under Florida Rule of Appellate Palisades Owners’ Ass’n, Inc. v. Browning,
Procedure 9.130.
1D17-2129, 2018 WL 1341650, at *1 (Fla. 1st
DCA Mar. 15, 2018). Claims of breach of
fiduciary duty by Owners’ Association
Reunion W. Dev. Partners, LLLP v. Guimaraes, were specifically excluded from class of
221 So. 3d 1278, 1280 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017). disagreements statutorily required to be
While arbitrability is generally an issue for submitted to arbitration.
trial courts to decide, courts must delegate
the authority to the arbitrator if the parties’
contract so provides.
Florida Capital Group, Inc. v. Bishop, 3D16-
1775, 2018 WL 1074257, at *1 (Fla. 3d DCA Feb.
28, 2018). Where trial court does not modify
Obolensky v. Chatsworth at Wellington or correct arbitration award or vacate award
Green, LLC, 4D16-3143, 2018 WL 1110892, at pursuant to statute, it is required to “confirm
*4 (Fla. 4th DCA Feb. 28, 2018). Severance the award as made.”
of illegal provisions from arbitration
agreement does not impermissibly rewrite For additional ADR tips and resources, go to http://www.
agreement that contains severability
clauses and where removed provision
is neither the “financial” heart nor “true
essence” of agreement.
Donna Greenspan Solomon is one of three attorneys
Northport Health Services of Florida, LLC
v. Louis, 5D17-335, 2018 WL 1122117, at *2
(Fla. 5th DCA Mar. 2, 2018). Provision of
arbitration agreement requiring application
of Alabama Rules of Evidence at arbitration
hearing did not go to the “very essence” of
agreement and thus was severable because
it concerned procedure and not substantive
law or remedies under Florida law, to which
the parties had specifically agreed.
certified by The Florida Bar as both Business Litigator
and Appellate Specialist. Donna is a Member of the
AAA’s Roster of Arbitrators (Commercial Panel). She
is a FINRA-Approved and Florida Supreme Court
Qualified Arbitrator. She is also a Certified Circuit,
Appellate, and Family Mediator. Donna is a Member of
the Florida Supreme Court Committee on Standard Jury
Instructions—Contract and Business Cases, and is the
current Chair of the Business Litigation Certification
Committee. Donna can be reached at (561) 762-9932
or [email protected] or by visiting www.