PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_may 2018 | Page 4
PRESIDENT’S M e s s a g e
Celebrating Our Judiciary
What is even more compelling than the
number of Judges, is the amount of relative
experience each one of these Jurists
brought to our bench, and the positive
impact they have had on our Courts and our
community. This year, through our “You’ve
Been Served” Initiative, we have focused on
honoring lawyers who have given back to
our community. In honor of these Judges,
I thought I’d share with you a tidbit about
each of them, to express our association’s
appreciation for their service.
Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes
2017-18 PBCBA President
Judge Richard Oftedal:
upon his retirement,
Judge Oftedal was the
longest serving Circuit
Judge, serving for 29
years, and having served
in every division of
the Court except the
juvenile division. Judge Oftedal served with
distinction, particularly during the housing
crisis when he headed the foreclosure
division created to handle the onslaught of
foreclosure cases. Judge Oftedal received
consistently high ratings on bi-annual
Judicial evaluations.
By the time you read this message, we will
have just celebrated our Annual Judicial
Reception, celebrating our judiciary which
is one of the most respected in the State.
Just last month, we honored one of our own,
District Judge Daniel T.K. Hurley, naming
the Palm Beach County Courthouse after
Judge Hurley for his exemplary service on
Judge Moses Baker
our Courts. Our 15th Circuit Judiciary is led
(happens to be my Dad):
by Chief Judge Krista Marx, who recently
served with distinction
addressed the bar and gave the State of the
for over 23 years, mostly
Court address at our Bench Bar Conference.
in the juvenile division
What we learned is that our local State and
Federal Courts are ever changing, resulting
in a near constant state of flux. Between 2017
dependency cases. He
and early 2019, 12 Judges or Quasi-Judicial is known for establishing the Alternative
Officers will have retired or resigned from to Suspension Program for at-risk students,
the bench, including the following-
and truly enjoyed presiding over adoptions.
He is the recipient of the Florida Department
•Circuit Judge Richard Oftedal- retired 2017 of Children & Families William E. Gladstone
•Circuit Judge Moses Baker, Jr.- retired 2017 Award, honoring the Judge who has
•Circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull- retired made the greatest contribution to serving
dependent children and their families.
•Circuit Judge David French- retiring 2018
•Circuit Judge Catherine Brunson- retiring
Judge Thomas Barkdull:
•Circuit Judge Peter Blanc- retiring 2018
Court for 21 years, most
•County Court Judge Nancy Perez- retiring
recently in the civil
division. Judge Barkdull
•County Court Judge Peter Evans- retiring
like me comes from a
legacy of lawyers, his
•Circuit Judge James Ferrara- resigned 2017
father served for many
•U.S. District Judge Paul Hyman- retired years on the Third District Court of Appeal.
Judge Barkdull embraced his family’s
•U.S. Magistrate Judge James Hopkins- legacy and served with distinction. He has
retired 2018
been Honored by our North County Section
•15th Circuit General Magistrate Linda as Jurist of the Year.
Goodwin- retiring 2018
Judge David French:
serving for 11 years,
Judge French currently
serves in the civil
division, and has served
in the Probate and
Family divisions of the
Court. Judge French
has served with distinction, after a highly
successful career as a Civil Trial Lawyer.
He has been Honored by South Palm Beach
County Bar Association as Jurist of the
Judge Catherine Brunson:
the first African American
female to serve on the Circuit
Court, Judge Brunson
served with excellence for
23 years, currently serving
in the family division. She
has also recently served in
the Circuit Division, and she is also known for her
patience and dedication to justice. She has received
numerous honors and awards, most recently by the
F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association as its
Legacy Award recipient.
Judge Peter Blanc has
served our citizens
as both a County
for 28 years, and as
Chief Judge, for four
for the principles of
professionalism, preparedness and justice,
and was a proponent of the bar’s efforts to
promote Civility, under the leadership of
Past President Adam Rabin. Judge Blanc
has also been honored by our North County
Section as Jurist of the Year.
Judge Nancy Perez: the
first Hispanic American
Judge in Palm Beach
County, has excelled in
our County Court for 27
years, often presiding
over cases involving
pro se litigants. She
is well-known for taking the time and
having the compassion to ensure that
all citizens feel that they are received
a full and fair opportunity to have their
concerns addressed