PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_july2018 | Page 4

PRESIDENT’S M e s s a g e Serving Our Members Gregory P. Huber 2018-19 PBCBA President I am humbled and honored to have the privilege to serve as the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s president. That said, I am less excited about following in the giant footsteps of Sia Baker-Barnes. On a serious note, to say that Sia did an outstanding job as our president would be an understatement. Despite the demands of her busy practice and family obligations, Sia led us coolly and calmly through the rebuilding of the Bar office and with the help of our outstanding Executive Director, Carla Tharp Brown, and dedicated staff, she did so without canceling a single event. Her leadership has been inspiring, and I am incredibly thankful for her hard work and dedication and will strive to follow her example. Now, as my presidency begins, I think back to my introduction to the PBCBA