PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_JulAug 2019 | Page 5
Under The Umbrella of Alternative Dispute
While negotiation, mediation and arbitration
have long been preferred ADR processes for
resolving disputes, they are far from the only
approaches to be considered and utilized by
disputing factions. This article will provide
an overview of various “alternative” ADR
processes that are now being employed.
The SJT gives lawyers and their clients an
advance assessment of what a jury might
do in their case. It is usually a nonbinding
process in which attorneys briefly present
their cases to a jury, which then renders a
nonbinding advisory decision. The parties
are then given the opportunity to settle
the case. If they are unable to reach an
agreement, the parties can proceed to a full
trial. Since the summary jury is usually not
given an opportunity to hear directly from
the witnesses in the case, the parties will
not know how a jury would evaluate the
credibility of their witnesses. But the SJT
will provide the parties with some idea of
the strengths and weaknesses of their case
and thus a more reasonable understanding
of the parameters of the case’s settlement
This is a newer form of judicial, court-
annexed ADR which involves early, systemic
case assessment by a private attorney or
retired judge, who is experienced in the
subject area of the dispute. The idea is to
have an objective analysis by a respected,
neutral evaluator before the parties become
so embroiled in the litigation process
they are unable or unwilling to settle.
There are no formal rules of evidence in
this procedure, and there is no formal
examination or cross-examination of
witnesses. All communications during the
session are confidential. After an opening
statement from the neutral evaluator, the
parties present a narrative of their case
and exchange detailed information. The
neutral helps the parties identify the
areas of agreement, assess the strengths
and weaknesses of each side’s case, and
formulate a plan for conducting discovery.
Ideally, the exchange of information will
stimulate settlement discussions.
Magistrates assist federal district judges
in conducting discovery in mass tort
cases, conducting early neutral evaluation
settlement conferences. The parties and
their attorneys can also agree to have a
magistrate serve as the judge in their case.
Courts have authority to appoint special
masters when exceptional conditions are
present in a case or because the complexity
of the case requires additional assistance.
Masters (or magistrates) can render
accounting, preside over hearings and make
findings of fact and recommendations.
In cases involving complex technical or
scientific issues, the court can appoint a
neutral expert to study a certain issue and
render an oral or written report to the court
or to the parties. Such neutral experts can
be especially useful to the court in cases
involving patent infringement, copyright,
trade secret violations, antitrust cases, or
other areas within their unique expertise.
Sometimes referred to as “rent-a-judge,”
the parties agree to accept the decision of a
mutually approved neutral, who will preside
as judge over the proceedings. This process
can be used when the parties need special
expertise and do not care to set precedent
or may wish to avoid publicity. This process
enables the parties to have their “day in
court” without the customary delays of trial
at a public courthouse. On the other hand,
the decision of the private judges may
be subject to judicial review and parties’
rights of appeal of adverse rulings may be
limited or nonexistent. This ADR process
has sometimes been called “rich person’s
justice” by critics, who claim that it enables
affluent persons and corporations to
circumvent the delays and inconveniences
of the traditional legal system.
counseling. The concept of the ombudsman
originated in Scandinavian countries, where
a public official would be designated to listen
to complaints from the public and attempt
to respond to these complaints. In the
United States, an ombudsman is frequently
employed by private organizations and
corporations, universities and hospitals
to handle employment problems and
complaints. Employees can complain to the
ombudsman with the understanding that
their conversations are confidential.
There are many alternatives to traditional
litigation and the most commonly utilized
ADR procedures of negotiation, mediation
and arbitration. Counsel should consider
and discuss all ADR options with your
clients before selecting the ones that are
most appropriate and beneficial to their
BRUCE A. BLITMAN is certified by the
Florida Supreme Court as a Circuit, Family
and County Court Mediator. Since 1989,
Bruce has mediated thousands of disputes
throughout Florida and lectured and
written extensively about the benefits of
ADR. He recently relocated from Broward
County to Palm Beach County and can be
contacted at [email protected].
For additional ADR tips and resources, go to
Mediation lunch and learn seminar
“Mediation Complex Solution in a
Complex World”
An ombudsman (or “Ombuds”) is a neutral
individual who hears complaints, engages
in fact finding, and generally promotes the
resolution of disputes through informal
methods like mediation, negotiation and
Thursday, October 17, 2019