PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_JulAug 2019 | Page 21
The Missing Link
Success is a journey, not a destination. The financially rich, but I have been enriched
doing is often more important than the through service and the personal growth
outcome. — Arthur Ashe
and connection with others that it offers—
Your writer originally conceived this article
to be a bit of a scold of those who sign up
to participate on committees and then
fail to do so. Commitment, after all, is an
integral part of professionalism. Yes, even
our Professionalism Committee had year-
long no-shows—those who attended not
one meeting. Rather than lecture truant
colleagues, however, I began to think
about the benefits that they were denying
the kind of enrichment that fills the hole
that otherwise can lurk in one’s soul.
Yes, success is a journey. Embrace the
journey. Sign up—and show up. The
rewards await you.
D. Culver “Skip” Smith III focuses his
practice on the ethical and professional
responsibilities of lawyers. He maintains
an office in West Palm Beach and can be
reached at 561-598-6800 or at .
others, but there is more to practicing law
than earning a fee. (I like to say that I never
expected to get rich practicing law and that
I have succeeded in that philosophy beyond
my wildest dreams.) The organized bar
today is awash in conversation about life-
balance and personal wellness, targeting,
one assumes, the Unhappy Lawyer. Why
all this unhappiness? We lawyers are
under pressure from many directions—
self included—to maximize earnings. We
sit within the four walls of our offices,
churning out work product, launching
embarrassingly caustic communications
in the pursuit of one-upmanship fed by the
courage of isolation. Meanwhile, the holes
in our souls linger, immune to any amount
of greenback balm. Something is missing.
Service through leadership positions
and committee work offers some balm. If
pursued for its own objectives and not
merely as a résumé-booster, it provides
opportunities for connection with others
(so important even to us off-the-chart
introverts), for personal enrichment and
growth, and for relief from the bondage
of self. It also is unfailing in enhancing
one’s career. That, at least, has been my
personal experience. Whatever success
or reputation I have achieved has been in
great part because of service to colleagues
and the profession. No one remembers our
biggest cases—heck, I hardly remember
my own—but people do remember positive
impacts that we have on the profession, in
the community, and on their personal and
professional lives. I may not have become
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In Memoriam
Guy C. Hill
1945 - 2019
Palm Beach County Bar President