PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_JulAug 2019 | Page 14
Coffee and Bagels with the Judges
Coffee and Bagels with the Judges will continue through the summer months. Please remember to mark your
calendars for the second Tuesday of each month to attend this fun, casual event meant to foster relationships
and dialogue between the judiciary and members of the Bar. A bonus for attending is that those who have a
UMC hearing that morning can sign-up to be called first once the hearings begin.
This free event is held from 7:45–8:30 a.m. in the north end of the cafeteria at the main courthouse. No registration
is required. Upcoming dates include (all are on Tuesdays): August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12,
December 10, January 14, February 11, March 10, April 14, May 12 and June 9. Event sponsors include Searcy Denney
Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, P.A.; Gunster; Law Offices of Todd S. Stewart. P.A.; Domnick Cunningham & Whalen;
Peterson Bernard; Clark, Fountain, La Vista, Prather & Littky-Rubin; and Gold & Gold, P.A.