PBCBA BAR BULLETINS PBCBA Bulletin - January 2020 | Page 10
The Bankruptcy CLE Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar
Association presents
Friday, February 21, 2020, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PBCBA, 1507 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach
1:00 p.m. Registration / Check in
1:10 p.m. Welcome - Nadine V. White-Boyd, Esq., White-Boyd Law, P.A., Bankruptcy CLE Committee
1:15 p.m. Chapter 13 World - View From the Chapter 13 Standing Trustee - Robin Weiner, Esq.
a. Developments in Student Loans. Separate Classification.
b. Automatic Stay for Repeat Filers
c. Behind the Scene – Vesting Orders, Disbursement of Funds Pre–Confirmation
2:05 p.m. Chapter 11 Tips - Judge Mindy Mora
a. Differences between Chapter 11 and Chapter 13
b. Absolute Priority
c. Chapter 11 Plan confirmation
3:00 p.m. Break
3:10 p.m. Technology in Bankruptcy Practice: Benefits to your Debtor and Creditor Clients -
Aaron Weiss, Forensic Recovery, LLC
a. Identification of Digital Cryptocurrency Assets and Digital Wallets
b. Recovery of Hidden or Deleted Correspondence and Ledgers
c. Social Media, Data Breach, Receivership Inventory and Access to IT Systems
4:00 p.m. Panel Discussion - Case Law Update - Kevin Gleason, Esq., and Manual Farach, Esq.
“He Said/He Said”
5:00 p.m. Reception
4.5 CLER expected. Cost: $135 members; $175 non-members. After 2/19, add $10 late fee. All refund requests must be made no
later than 48 hours prior to the date of the seminar. Register online at palmbeachbar.org or by mail (return this form with your
Name: ___________________________________________ Email address: ___________________________________
_____ I will not be able to attend the seminar, however I would like to order the audio ___ CD ___ MP3. The cost is the same as
listed above, plus $10 for shipping and handling. Allow one week for delivery. PBCBA, 1507 Belvedere Rd., W. Palm Beach, FL
2/21/20 Bankruptcy