PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_january 2019 | Page 10
CDI C o r n e r
Honoring Judge Nancy Perez
(tribute continued from Cover Story)
management style. If you have practiced in
front of Judge Perez, you know that she is a
“straight shooter” who runs her courtroom
efficiently and without tolerance for
disrespect or disorganization. Although it
is well known that when she was appointed
by Governor Lawton Chiles, Judge Perez
was the first Hispanic American judge
in Palm Beach County and she served as
an Assistant Public Defender for Palm
Beach County immediately prior to her
appointment to the bench, it is not well
known that before serving as an Assistant
Public Defender, Judge Perez championed
the rights of migrant workers with the
Migrant Farmworkers Division of Georgia
Legal Services and as the Associate Director
of the Association of Migrant Associations.
Judge Perez’s passion to serve the migrant
worker population is rooted in her first-
hand knowledge and experience. Judge
Perez was one of eleven children of Puerto
Rican migrant farm workers. As a child,
Judge Perez was put to work, picking
tomatoes to help the family. Judge Perez’s
father wanted more for his children and
relocated the family to Ft. Myers where they
enrolled in school. Judge Perez excelled
in school and received scholarships to
Edison Community College and Florida
State University. In 1983, Judge Perez was
admitted to the Florida Bar.
In addition to her passion to serve the
migrant worker population, she has always
encouraged young lawyers to be the best
versions of themselves. Veronika Warren, a
partner with Wender & Warren, P.A., recalls
how Judge Perez has impacted her legal
career. Veronika’s path to obtain her Juris
Doctor and to pass the Florida Bar exam was
littered with roadblocks. After passing the
bar in 2013, Veronika wanted to have her
oath administered personally by a jurist
she admired. She researched Judge Perez
and determined she was perfect. Since
that time, Veronika has argued before
Judge Perez. She fondly recounts that
after hearings, Judge Perez would willingly
spend time with her to provide words of
encouragement and constructive criticism.
When asked why she admires Judge Perez,
Veronika responded, “She never lost her
humbleness and her connection to people.
Everything she told me was because she
wanted me to believe in myself. She saw
that I needed a push and she took the time
to do it. I love her dearly and I have immense
respect for her. I don’t think she knows how
grateful I am because I never told her.”
As Judge Perez makes her exit, Palm Beach
County will lose its First Hispanic American
judge to serve our county. Former Magistrate
Judge Sara Alijewicz has been elected to
fill her seat. Although Ms. Alijewicz has
an impressive resume and will be a great
judge, Palm Beach County will miss Judge
Perez and the manner in which she ran
her courtroom. Judge Perez, thank you for
twenty-seven years of service!
Denise Mutamba is a Staff Attorney with the Legal
Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc., where she
fights housing discrimination. She also represents
the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit on the Young Lawyers
Division Board of Governors.
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CDI Luncheon
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Details To Follow
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