PBCBA BAR BULLETINS PBCBA Bulletin - February 2020 | Page 25

The Real Estate CLE Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar Association presents Unusual Topics in Florida Real Estate Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Palm Beach County Bar Association 8:30am: Late Registration, Check In and Opening Remarks - Jared Quartell, Esq., Chair, Real Estate CLE Committee; Quartell Law Firm, P.A. 8:45am: Real Estate Law Update - Manny Farach, Esq.; Board Certified in Real Estate, Business Litigation, and Appellate Practice; McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC 9:45am: Break 10:00am: Homestead - Jacqueline Kaleel, Esq., Kenneth M. Kaleel, P.A. and Deborah Boyd, Esq.; Board Certified in Real Estate; CATIC 10:50am: Real Estate in Bankruptcy - Tania Ochoa, Esq., Ochoa & Rubio, P.A. and Alan Crane, Esq., Furr & Cohen, P.A. 11:40am: Lunch 12:15pm: “In the field” - Alexander L. Domb, Esq., Alexander L. Domb, P.A. 1:05pm: Adverse Possession - John Sheppard, Jr., Esq., Board Certified in Condominium and Planned Development Law; Cohen, Norris, Wolmer, Ray, Cohen 1:55pm: Break 2:10pm: Commercial Landlord/Tenant Litigation - Sean Smith, Esq., Shutts & Bowen 3:00pm: Crypto Currency - Deborah Boyd, Esq., Board Certified in Real Estate; CATIC 4:00pm: Reception Sponsors: __________________________________________________________________________ 7.0 CLER; 7.0 Certification credits in Real Estate. Cost $215 members; $255 non-members. After 2/12/20 add $10 late fee. All refund requests must be made by 2/17/20. Register online at palmbeachbar.org or by mail (return this form with your check). Name ____________________________________ Email address __________________________________ ____ I will not be able to attend the seminar, however I would like to order the audio. ____ CD; ____ MP3. The cost is the same as listed above, plus $10 for shipping & handling. Allow one week for delivery. PBCBA, 1507 Belvedere Rd., W. Palm Beach, FL 33406 2/19/19 Real Estate PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 25