PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_december 2018 | Page 4
PRESIDENT’S M e s s a g e
Who’s Your “Bar Buddy” ?
Gregory P. Huber
2018-19 PBCBA President
I’ve been blessed to find good mentors
at every step of my legal career. My first
mentor was a Judge I interned with
in law school. He was a tremendous
teacher, helped me gain confidence
and challenged me to move beyond
my comfort zone and try out for the
trial team which ultimately defined
my career path. After law school while
working as a prosecutor and later as I
became a civil trial attorney I found
more experienced attorneys to use as
sounding boards. I remember getting
assignments from my boss, going back
to my office and immediately calling
one of my more experienced friends
and asking for help. These mentors
guided me professionally but also
were critically important in helping
me manage the stresses of being a
young/new attorney. To this day, I have
people in my life that I frequently go to
to bounce ideas off, to problem solve
and to talk to when I am feeling the
pressures of the practice of law and life
Program is to provide a way to obtain
advice, ideas, suggestions or general
information from fellow attorneys,
with an emphasis on practicing with
professionalism and civility. The Bar
Buddies Program seeks to connect local
attorneys in a manner that takes into
account links between attorneys that
reach beyond their law practice. To that
end, an applicant will be matched with
one attorney and “Bar Buddy” based on
multiple factors, including law school
attended, current geographic location,
hometown, and interest.
On behalf of the PBCBA, I would like
to encourage you to take advantage of
the “Bar Buddies” Program either as a
mentee or mentor. If you are interested,
please visit the bar website at www.
palmbeachbar.org, under “Articles &
Forms-Mentor Request Form. Once you
have completed your application you
will be paired with your “Bar Buddy”.
This “mentorship” program is for both
new and seasoned attorneys that would
like to foster a greater connection
within our association with other
members just like you.
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Eva Gray
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Again, please don’t hesitate to contact
me to let me know how I can be of
service to you. Phone: (561) 630-9700;
E-mail: [email protected].
The Bar recognizes the importance of
Thank you,
our members having mentors in their
lives. Through the professionalism
committee, the Bar has started the “Bar
Buddies” Program.
The “Bar Buddies” program is designed
to help attorneys who practice in the
Palm Beaches connect and serve as
a sounding board for each other. In
particular, the goal of the Bar Buddies
10% Discount for Bar Members