PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_december 2018 | Page 10

CDI C o r n e r A TRIBUTE TO JUDGE EDWARD RODGERS (tribute continued from Cover Story) Jean Marie Middleton Grasford Smith Denise Mutamba the First African-American Circuit Court and then Chief Judge. For his tenure on the bench, the United States Supreme Court awarded Judge Rodgers the prestigious Jefferson Award, recognizing his significant contributions towards the creation of the first drug court in Florida. Judge Rodgers is also known for championing diversity efforts in Palm Beach County. Were it not for his efforts decades ago to challenge the lack of diversity that pervaded the County, many African Americans who came after him may not have received the opportunities to work and thrive in Palm Beach County’s government or private sector. The Palm Beach County Bar Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (“CDI”) was also the direct beneficiary of Judge Rodgers’ time and wisdom. CDI also received a significant monetary donation from Judge Rodgers in recent years. He said his monetary donation was a challenge to others in the legal community to match his efforts to create a more diverse legal profession. In recognition of his significant contributions to CDI, in 2014, the Palm Beach County Board of Directors voted to confer an annual diversity award in honor of Judge Edward Rodgers to the firm or individual demonstrating a consistent pattern of commitment to the recruitment, retention and promotion of diverse individuals. This important recognition ensures that the legacy of Judge Rodgers in the area of diversity will survive in the Bar for generations to come. Judge Rodgers’ philanthropy, leadership, and public service did not wane in his later years. Along with other leaders of the Delta Delta Lambda chapter of his beloved fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha (including PBCBA Board Member Grasford Smith), Judge Rodgers successfully advocated to the Riviera Beach City Council for the fraternity’s use of the old Riviera Beach Maritime Academy site to create training opportunities and jobs for local residents. For his efforts, the fraternity renamed the Riviera Beach site the “Judge Edward Rodgers Center for Community Development.” To say that Judge Rodgers was a remarkable man is an understatement. His humility and selfless service are unparalleled and an inspiration. We can honor his memory by contributing to the betterment of the causes that Judge Rodgers fought for his entire life – equality and justice for all. Save the Date CDI Luncheon Friday, April 5 Details To Follow PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 10 CLE Seminars Maximizing Fees through Cutting Edge Areas of Law January 25, PBCBA ******************* Wire Fraud January 30, PBCBA ******************* Emerging Trends in ADR and ODR February 11, PBCBA