PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_Dec. 2019 | Page 11
Mediation Week and Conflict Resolution Day
To commemorate Mediation Week (Oct. 13-
19, 2019) and Conflict Resolution Day (Oct.
17, 2019), the Alternative Dispute Resolution
Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar
Association organized several activities to
promote the use and value of mediation.
These included a PBC high school essay
contest with the theme "Win-Win Through
Mediation." ADR Committee members W.
Jay Hunston, Jr. and Alexander “Sandy”
Myers generously sponsored the writing
The student essays were judged by
Judge Lucy Chernow Brown, Maxwell
Christiansen, Richard Lord, and Adam
Myron, as follows: 1st Place Martin Blanca;
2d Place Karinne Mitchell; 3d Place Liam
MacMahon; Honorable Mentions: Carlos
Faure Cuevas, Lillian Paulitz, and Regina
Goldson. Five honorees were students in (L-R) B Blitman, L Dool, T Anderson, C Faure Cuevas, M-A Farris, L MacMahon, M Blanca,
Marie-Amalie Farris's AICE US history K Mitchell, H Paulk, L Paulitz, E Moore, J Middleton, J Marcus (not pictured R Goldson)
AL class and one honoree in Tawney
Anderson’s African history honors class at
Wellington Community High School.
The students were presented with
certificates of achievement and cash prizes
at a ceremony at Wellington Community
High School on Oct. 31, 2019. Teacher Marie-
Amalie Farris also received a cash prize.
Jean Marie Middleton, PBCBA Director and
Senior Attorney, PBC School District; Dr. Lori
Dool, Secondary Social Studies Program
Planner, PBC School District; Dr. Eric Moore
and Henry Paulk, Asst. Principals; Marie-
Amalie Farris and Tawny Anderson, teacher
honorees; and Jeffrey Marcus and Bruce
Blitman, Co-Chairs of the Mediation Week
Essay Contest presided.
A Review of Recently
Issued Appellate Opinions
December Committee Meeting Dates
ADR Commitee Meeting
December 6 ( 8 : 30 A. M . - 9 : 30 A. M .)
PBCBA Bar Office
Professionalism Committee Meeting
December 11 ( 12 : 00 P. M . - 1 : 00 P. M .)
PBCBA Bar Office
Transaction Commitee Meeting
December 18 ( 12 : 00 P. M . - 1 : 00 P. M .)
PBCBA Bar Office
Attending the November 7th seminar, A Review of Recently Issued Appellate
Opinions, (front row l-r) Daniel Schwarz, Brandy Galler, Ben Eisenberg, Melanie Surber
(Appellate Committee Co-Chairperson), Siobhan Shea and Kara Berard Rockenbach
(session facilitator). Back row: Scott Zappolo and Samuel Walker. Join us for the next
session on Thursday, December 5 for a brown bag lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m at the
4th DCA. Register online at PalmBeachBar.org.