PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_April 2019 | Page 9
BENCH BAR C o n f e r e n c e 2 0 1 9
Breaking Barriers & Sharing Solutions
This year’s Bench Bar Conference was another tremendous success with more than 600 registered attendees, including over 20 sessions
and a sold out luncheon.
Thank you to our co-chairs, panelists, moderators, speakers, judges, law firm and exhibit sponsors!
Judges Sherri Collins, Frank
Castor & Sandra Bosso Pardo
Honoring our retiring judges L to R:
David French, Catherine Brunson,
Magistrate Linda Goodwin, Peter Blanc,
Peter Evans and Nancy Perez
Zachary Rothman &
Chief Judge Krista Marx
A special thank you to Brian Moskowitz, Robin
Bresky and Mark Eiglarsh for presenting our
special Attorney and Wellness session Bench Bar co-chairs Katherine Woods and
Matt Ocksrider with
Executive Director Carla Tharp Brown (center)
Katherine Woods, Florida Supreme
Court Justice Barbara Pariente
(retired) & Matt Ocksrider Judges Jim Nutt and Lisa Small