PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_April 2019 | Page 4
PRESIDENT’S M e s s a g e
“A Tribute in Remembrance”
Gregory P. Huber
2018-19 PBCBA President
This month I dedicate my President’s Message
as a tribute in remembrance of our friends and
colleagues who tragically lost their lives in a
plane crash on March 8, 2019.
Edwin “Ted” Mortell III, 54 Matthew Fiorello, 36
Heather Wallace Bridwell, 43 Eric Peterson, 73
As our legal community mourns, may we find
peace and comfort in the special memories
we have of Eric, Ted, Heather and Matt. They
will be sincerely missed but never forgotten.
Our heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to
their families and all who loved them.
With condolences,