PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_April 2019 | Page 11
BOARD OF DIRECTORS E l e c t i o n
Kenneth N. Johnson
Firm/Employer: Klett, Mesches & Johnson, P.L.
Law School: University of North Dakota
Year admitted to practice: 1982
Year joined PBCBA: 2003
Thank you to everyone who has served our membership in the past and made our Bar stronger and better. It has been my honor and
privilege to serve the members of our Association over the years in different capacities, including as President of the North County
The Palm Beach County Bar is made stronger by the volunteer efforts of our members who serve through various committees. I have
witnessed this firsthand over the years as a member of the Business Litigation CLE, Circuit Civil Practice, Criminal Law and other
committees. Our members are diverse, from different backgrounds, with different viewpoints and each one has the ability to offer
new ideas, innovation, and vision, as our Association grows and continues to thrive. I became a member of the Palm Beach County
Bar Association as a result of the suggestion and encouragement of a colleague many years ago. We all need to encourage our current
members to become more involved so others can benefit from their input.
It is also important that we grow our membership by encouraging newer lawyers to become members. They will be the future leaders
of our Association. Those of us who have practiced longer should mentor newer lawyers, and lead by example. We must continue to
promote professionalism and integrity among our members and bring honor to our chosen profession. Thank you for your support. I
look forward to serving our membership as a Board Member under Jessica’s leadership.
Jean Marie Middleton *
Firm/Employer: Palm Beach County School District
Law School: Howard University
Year admitted to practice: 1986
Year joined PBCBA: 2000
There’s no better way to continue serving the Palm Beach County Legal Community and the Association than as a member of the Board
of Directors!
Being fully committed to achieving the Association’s objectives, I have been privileged to actively serve on the board this past year
and on several committees. I currently serve as Co-Chair and Board Liaison for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion and the past
five (6) years, I have served as Chair and Co-Chair of the Diversity Internship Program (DIP) subcommittee. I have enjoyed a first-hand
opportunity to work with attorneys, law firms and governmental agencies to identify diverse law students and to attract them to Palm
Beach County for summer internships and, ultimately, for the practice of law. I am proud to say that our efforts have been successful!
Several of our DIP interns have been hired as young lawyers by the firms for which they interned or by other participating law firms.
Seeing some of our former DIP interns participate in the Association’s initiatives as active members is thoroughly rewarding!
I also serve on the Judicial Relations committee where I participate on the judicial profile and CLE sub-committees.
I welcome the opportunity to lend my energy and commitment in continued service to the Board of Directors.