JUDICIAL CORNER Top 10 List to Make our Judicial Assistants and Courtroom Deputies' Lives Easier JUDGE SAMANTHA FEUER On March 10, 2020, I presented the following Top 10 list at the Judicial Personnel Appreciation Lunch hosted by the Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers. These are simple, yet important, recommendations for attorneys and their staff. At the request of PBCBA President, Jessica Callow, I am pleased to share this list with all PBCBA members. I hope you find them informative and useful. Remember, court staff can be your best friends or your worst enemies, so please guide yourself accordingly. 1. Be nice! The Judicial Assistant (“JA”) and courtroom deputy (“deputy”) are an extension of the judge, and you get more with honey than you do with vinegar. Also, the judges often speak to their staff, and will surely hear about anyone who might have been rude, inappropriate or unprofessional. Furthermore, this includes your conversations with opposing counsel before or after a hearing while the deputy is in the courtroom. 5. Please put your case number and case name in your emails to the court. This makes the JA’s life so much easier. Believe it or not, we do not memorize every case name and number! Leave the Court off your emails with opposing counsel. We don’t need to see those, and you probably don’t want us to see them! 6. No gifts! Never ever, never! Jurist of the Year 2020 This INCLUDES JAs and deputies. 7. The JA and deputy are not your therapists, your parents, your paralegals, or your associates. Please do not treat them as such! It is not their job to give you legal advice or mediate your issues with opposing counsel. The JA and the deputy work for the judge and not for you. The deputy’s primary job is to protect the judge, then the public. 8. Be careful befriending JAs and deputies on social media. You don’t want to be accused of ex parte 2. Be sure to check the Division Instructions communications. and Local Rules before calling the JA. 9. Your word is your bond If you are calling the JA with a question, it might be answered there. If you tell a JA or a deputy you are going to do something, do it, because chances are 3. Be prepared to submit all orders electron- the judge knows about the commitment you ically, even those after a hearing in court. made. We are moving to a completely paperless system, pursuant to the Florida Supreme Court, and all orders must now be electronic, as opposed to paper handed in court. If you have a hearing and the judge rules, everyone will soon have a computer available in the courtroom to draft your order and send same to the judge to sign electronically. You can also send the proposed orders ahead of time to the court via the online system. North County Section’s 10. Finally, and most importantly, thank the JAs and deputies and thank them often. Court staff work so hard and are paid so little. A simple thank you is often overlooked, but really goes a long way. A sincere thank you to our amazing JAs and deputies. The court system would not be able to operate without their assistance, time and dedication and we are eternally 4. The JA could be your best friend or your grateful for their service. worst enemy, it’s up to you. They are very busy, and they are human. They have good and bad days like everyone else. Treat them with kindness and respect. After all you want your hearings set, right?  PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 13 The North County Section’s Jurist of the Year for 2020 has been selected! But, due to the Coronavirus, we’re forced to postpone our signature event until Thursday, October 1. Please save the date. We look forward to safely seeing you in October!