PALM BEACH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION BULLE IN WWW.PALMBEACHBAR.ORG | OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | APRIL 2020 NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR **A SPECIAL MESSAGE REGARDING RECENT EVENTS** To Our Membership, The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives, including how we do business. The Bar Association is committed to the health and safety of our members, sponsors, and staff. Based upon the Center of Disease Control and State Government recommendations regarding the gathering of crowds, we have elected to cancel all committee meetings through May 15. Many of our scheduled CLE Seminars and Events have been postponed or canceled. We will keep you abreast of new event dates through e-blast and via our website. We encourage you to look for important bar information, as well as local court information under the “Latest News” section of our website, www.PalmBeachBar.org, and on social media. Thank you for being a Member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, Where Your Membership Counts.! *NEW DATE ANNOUNCED* MARK YOUR CALENDAR Law Day Webinar Friday, May 1, 2020 12PM (EST) - 1:30 PM (EST) WATCH LIVE VIA ZOOM (LINK WILL BE PROVIDED) ATTEND FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME OR OFFICE TO REGISTER VISIT PALMBEACHBAR.ORG President's Message page 3 Member Spotlight page 8 Pro Bono Corner page 15 Board of Dir. Election pages 20-22