PBCBA BAR BULLETINS April 2020 | Page 10

L�� D�� S������ LIVE ��� Z���! Friday, May 1, 2020 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Including 1.0 General CLE Credit from the Florida Bar C RISIS M ANAGEMENT FOR A TTORNEYS & T HEIR C LIENTS News breaks first on social media, with tradi�onal media sweeping Twi�er, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for leads. If your law firm is immersed in crisis or dealing with a hot bu�on issue, your news can easily “go viral” in moments. Since it takes a life�me to build a reputa�on and only a few seconds to destroy one, “managing the message” is a necessary skill-set for a�orneys. BR�CE HENNES Hennes Communications, Cleveland Ohio Our keynote speaker for our Law Day Luncheon is Bruce Hennes from Hennes Communica�ons. Bruce is a veteran crisis management specialist. His firm focuses on a highly strategic approach to communica�ng during a wide variety of situa�ons, offering methods for establishing and maintaining “control of the message.” Controversies today are tried in Webinar Registration: the Court of Public Opinion more often than in the Court of Law. PBCBA Member: $35.00 Judges: Complimentary Government PBCBA Members: $25.00 Attorney Non-Member: $45.00 RSVP online @ PALMBEACHBAR.ORG PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 10