Payza Scam and Fraud Prevention Oct. 2013 | Page 2

E-COMMERCE INDUSTRY TAKES A STAND: PAYZA FRAUD ON THE DECLINE E-Commerce Industry Takes a Stand: Payza Fraud on the Decline A Change in the Wind E-commerce is an industry at the forefront of technological development and cybercriminals are a reality. In the past, it was often accepted as a fact that losses incurred due to cybercrime were just one of the costs of doing business. When a customer is defrauded through no fault of their own, it is the business that suffers the financial damages of the fraudulent transaction. But newer companies such as Payza are taking a stand. The industry no longer views cybercrime as an unavoidable annoyance. Thanks to new technologies, Payza’s Fraud Prevention Team has been able to not only identify and prevent fraudulent transaction, but also trace them back to the person responsible. By working together and sharing information, the e-commerce industry is now finally able to stop cybercrime at its source. The Payza Fraud Prevention Promise There has been cybercrime for as long as there has been e-commerce. Any platform can be used nefariously and twisted for criminal purposes. Payza fraud is a legitimate concern. But as the company has matured and become truly global, Payza fraud has been on a steep decline. It is Payza’s fraud prevention promise that they will never stop fighting cybercrime until there is no cybercrime left to fight.