Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 56

Alumnae News

Class of 2018 Legacy Families
Lia French Deirdre Mullins French ’ 85
Grace Gillis Sara-Ann Schmitcke Gillis ’ 86
Lauren Grinbergs Jil Evans Grinbergs ’ 87
Marianne Hayes Clare Ann Squires Hayes ’ 55 ( Grandmother )
Shannon Kane Judith Bagley Kane ’ 84
Lillyann McGee Maria Bodrozic McGee ’ 79
Hannah Prehoda Bonnie Beede Prehoda ’ 92
Taylor Riffle Kerri Jumper Riffle ’ 90
Kalia Rucker Melissa Arons Rucker ’ 98
Isabella Sardo Kelli Percy Sardo ’ 87 Patricia Whealton Sardo ’ 66 ( Grandmother )
Madelyn Schildmeyer Kristen Burke Schildmeyer ’ 87
Alexandra Spencer Grace Levy Spencer ’ 85
Class of 2019 Legacy Families
Domenika Bagatelos Elizabeth Turo Bagatelos ’ 86
Mayson Carroll Kathleen Arroyo Carroll ’ 96
Gina Courey Mariann Isola ’ 83
Gabriella Guerrera Christina Troja Guerrera ’ 89
Lauren Lawver Corinne Mier Lawver ’ 86
Cassidy Lourim Julie Wooldrik Lourim ’ 87
Sydney Lukanich Lindsey Gier DaCruz ’ 68 ( Grandmother )
Sofia Plasencia Emma Galvan Plasencia ’ 83
Carolina Rader Elizabeth Rader-Wortman ’ 92
Abigail Seifert Jennifer Thomas Seifert ’ 90
Sara Sullivan Catherine Kennedy Sullivan ’ 83
Christina Vail Maria Reid Vail ’ 82
Victoria Valdez Veronica Padilla-Valdez ’ 94
My name is Dawn Winston Cullo and I am thrilled to be your Alumnae Coordinator . I am entering my third year working at St . Francis and loving every minute of it . I ’ ve had the privilege of getting to know alumnae from a variety of decades , and I enjoy hearing stories about their time as St . Francis students .
I graduated from St . Francis in 1991 ; I am a SFHS Girl , a Troubie Sister and a Penguin . It ’ s been 25 years since receiving my diploma , and I am still friends with many of my classmates . In 1991 , I was one of 126 students in my class , and now when I walk the halls of St . Francis , I am one of nearly 10,000 Alumnae . The Sisterhood is stronger than ever !
After graduating from St . Francis , I moved to San Francisco and attended Academy of Art University . I married my high school sweetheart , Louis Cullo ( Jesuit ’ 87 ) on November 18 , 2000 . We welcomed our future Troubies , Lillian in 2005 and Abigail in 2010 ; we are a Disney , Star Wars and Marvel loving family . In my spare time I write on my blog at IAmAMommyNerd . com and for 5MinutesForMom . com . A few times a year I attend Red Carpet premieres and interview filmmakers and casts of Walt Disney Pictures films . I ’ ve participated in media events for Muppets Most Wanted , Captain America : The Winter Soldier , Big Hero 6 , Finding Dory , Inside Out , Zootopia , Star Wars : The Force Awakens , and most recently Moana .
In 1990 , St . Francis High School celebrated the 25th year of residing at 6051 M Street . One morning we gathered in Serra Court . Mr . Norman stood on the roof of the Library ( now the CLC ) and took this amazing picture . It now hangs in my office and holds a special place in my heart . When I look at it , I see all of the amazing Troubies looking back at me . I am honored that I get the opportunity to organize the programs that bring Alumnae back to campus to fondly remember their SFHS days . My goal is simple - bring Alumnae back together . I hope that you will join me and your Troubie Sisters at our many events on and off campus .
I have found my place at St . Francis , and I am blessed to be walking the halls once again with my Troubie Sisters . As a friend once told me “ Bloom where you are planted ” and that is what I plan to do .
Dawn Winston Cullo ’ 91 Advancement Associate for Alumnae & Constituent Relations