Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 5

St. Francis’ New Board of Trustees Welcomes Visionary Leadership This year, St. Francis Catholic High School, with Bishop Soto’s approval, adopted Policy Governance®, an integrated board leadership paradigm created by Dr. John Carver. In the words of Dr. Carver, “This is a groundbreaking model of governance designed to empower boards to fulfill their obligation of accountability for the organizations they govern. The model enables the Board to focus on the larger issues, to delegate with clarity, to control management’s job without meddling, to rigorously evaluate the accomplishment of the organization; to truly lead its organization.” We are pleased that our Board of Trustees has embraced this new model and our members are looking forward to advancing the mission of St. Francis Catholic High School. Introducing our Chair Kathleen Deeringer Kathleen Deeringer joined the Board in 2013. As a respected former member of the St. Francis faculty, she brings valuable insight and experience to the Board. Kathleen graduated from Stanford University with a BA in English and earned an MA in History/Humanities from CSUS. As a member of the faculty Kathleen taught in the Theology, English and Social Studies Departments. With her breadth of knowledge and SF community experience, Kathleen became a member of the Finance Committee. She brings her unique perspective and understanding of what resources are needed to achieve excellence in both educational and spiritual growth. New Board of Trustees Member Helen Manfredi Pierson ’74 Helen Manfredi Pierson graduated from St. Francis in 1974 and joined the Board of Trustees in August 2016. As a former member of the St. Francis Board, she brings valuable insight and experience with policy governance which is the new procedure for the St. Francis High School Board. Helen’s prior involvement as the Chair of the California Ambulance Association, President of the Vallejo Rotary Club and the Charter President of the Holy Spirit branch of the Italian Catholic Federation give her a wealth of knowledge and experience in how to work together with a team to achieve the continued success of St. Francis’ legacy. Helen resides in Sacramento with her husband, Bill, of nearly 40 years and they have three children, Cynthia ’00, Sandra ’00, and James (CB ’02). Her family has expanded to include nine grandchildren. Helen Pierson credits her St. Francis education in preparing her for the challenges she faced in life and being instrumental in making her the person she is today – a successful business woman, wife, mother and mentor. Her fondest memories of being a Troubie were the Homecoming rallies and decorating homeroom windows for Christmas. It was the sense of camaraderie and family that she fondly remembers. Indeed, her vision as a Trustee is to continue the mission of helping Troubies develop confidence and strength to become well rounded individuals in all aspects of life and prepare our young women for the journey ahead, whether it be college, job, relationship, children or other life challenges. She is honored to have this opportunity to serve the St. Francis community and to help students live a life of faith, excellence, leadership and service.   Winter 2016  5