Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 42

42  12.10.15  Solos and Ensembles Recital 12.11.15  Father-Daughter Dinner Dance It was a night to remember as our Troubie Dads and Daughters celebrated the season at the annual Father-Daughter Dinner Dance. Over 1,000 guests dined and took to the dance floor at the Red Lion Woodlake Ballroom. Often billed as “the best dance of the year,” this long-standing tradition is highly anticipated year after year! 1.14.16 - 1.16.16  Winterfest Dance Performance Winterfest 2016: “Portraits: Women Who Shaped History” featured the St. Francis Dance Company, the Apprentice Dance Companies, ERA Hip-Hop Club, Na Wahine ’O ’Olu Hula class. From Cleopatra to Beyoncé and many in between, we traveled through time with the St. Francis Dance & Apprentice companies as they explored influential women from our history. 1.15.16  Wellness Assembly 12.14.15  Advent Celebration The Christian Service Leaders led the school in a prayer of Joy as we headed into the final week of Advent and into Christmas vacation. 12.15.15  Students Honored by Carmichael Elks Lodge Jessica Leatherby ’16 and Dawn Nguyen ’16 were honored by the Carmichael Elks Lodge for their contributions to the community. They chose to bring Mr. Stephen Tholcke and Mrs. Robyn Williams as their faculty guests. 1.7.16 - 1.8.16  Sophomore Retreat 3 The Wellness Assembly entitled “Healthy Relationships” focused on teaching and encouraging students to build a healthy relationship with God, themselves and others. Students were educated on prayer and how to pray, building good interpersonal relationships and navigating conflict as well as how to build a positive relationship with themselves by eating healthy and exercising. 1.16.16 - 1.20.16 Sixteen students from the French department went on a full immersion trip to Québec City. Students visited an authentic Huron Village, the Basilique Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, and the Parliament. They learned about the history of Québec, visited the historical site of the Plains of Abraham, sang, danced, and ate a lot of great food! 1.19.16 - 1.22.16  Kairos #58 1.13.16 - 1.15.16  Junior Retreat 3 1.14.16  Dress for Funds Students donated $708 for the benefit of the Catholic Charities Disaster Relief Fund. As a nationwide organization, Catholic Charities helps people impacted by all kinds of disasters—floods, hurricanes, mudslides, tornadoes, ice storms, droughts, wildfires, explosions, violence, and environmental damage. 1.23.16  Walk for Life West Coast Members of Campus Ministry & the Mini Lifesavers Club joined the 12th Annual West Coast Walk for Life - a day of prayer, music, demonstration, and solidarity.