Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 36

36  9.9.15 - 9.11.15  Club Rush With more than 50 student clubs to choose from, St. Francis Catholic High School has a vibrant and varied extracurricular community! At Club Rush, representatives of the student clubs set up displays at community lunch, and Troubies got to explore all the options and sign up for those clubs they’d like to join. 9.19.15  Father/Daughter Spirit Day Campus Ministry held their Annual Father/Daughter Spirit Day at Sac State Aquatics Center. Forty-two dads and daughters from all grade levels came out to kayak, play water games, and just have some fun together. They began the day with prayer and then the amazing staff at the center led everyone through an icebreaker and a kayak tour of the lake. The group came back full of energy and amazed at the beauty they saw. This event ended in prayer and both dad and daughter saying what this day meant and how much they loved this time together. St. Francis is blessed to be able to offer such amazing opportunities for our girls and their families that included not just education, but cultivating relationships and understanding of the whole person. 9.22.15 - 9.25.15  Kairos #56 9.11.15  Safety & Wellness Assembly The Annual Back to School Safety & Wellness Assembly was presented by the Wellness Team and Dean Cost. The assembly focused on Internet Safety, Interpersonal Relationships within Social Media, Cyber-bullying and peer conflict resolution. Students were also reminded of the “Run, Hide, Fight” safety protocols and practiced a school wide evacuation drill. Kairos is a four-day retreat held at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos. Retreatants are lead by a combination of student and adult leaders. During their retreat, students get time to explore their relationship with God, themselves and others. Kairos Retreats create strong bonds between the retreatants and leaders and help to strengthen the participants’ faith. 9.15.15 & 9.29.15  Meet a Parent/Grandparent for Lunch Days Twice each year, the St. Francis Campus Ministry Department sponsors “Meet a Parent/Grandparent for Lunch Day.” Students look forward to their family joining them for a picnic in Serra Court! 9.22.15 - 9.25.15  Canonization of Junipero Serra On September 23, 2015, Blessed Junipero Serra became the first Saint to be Canonized in the United States. St. Francis was given the honor of sending a delegation to witness the Mass of Canonization with our Holy Father Pope Francis at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Washington, DC. 9.23.15  The Arts Season Sampler 9.17.15  Benefactors Recognition Event The St. Francis Board of Directors and President Margo Reid Brown ’81 celebrated the generosity of the President’s Society, comprised of lead investors committed to the mission of St. Francis. This beautiful evening in upper Serra Court included hearing from students whose lives have been enriched by our benefactors while enjoying delicious beverages and offerings from Epicurean. The annual Season Sampler show offered a selection from the fall musical, “Mary Poppins,” songs from the choirs, music from the orchestra, dances from the SF Dance Co. and Apprentice Companies, and a short play from SF Players. After the show, parents viewed student artwork on display and met members of the parent group Patrons of the Arts.