Pauza Magazine Winter & Spring 2006 | Page 9

P a g e 9 P A U 3 A ! On March 1st I brought homemade Oatmeal cookies, soda and brownies to my school to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Peace Corps. I also made a few signs (see photos) stating "Happy Birthday Peace Corps", a definition of what Peace Corps is (in Macedonian, copied from our language book) and the reasons why people volunteer for Peace Corps. In addition, I wore my MAC 10 Sweatshirt that says "Miroven Korpus, MAC 10" on the front and "Zaedno--Together" on the back. The teachers were all thrilled for the little birthday party that we had in the teachers lounge, all the cookies and brownies got eaten up, all the soda was drank and all the staff gave best wishes to me and to Peace Corps. They were especially impressed that I had written the signs in Macedonian and that I gave a festive party for a happy event. --Jesse Warner I wanted to let you know what I did for my 45th Anniversary Birthday stuff. I brought chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies to Bela Kula (the organization where I now work). It is an after-school prorgam for Roma children. They were very thankful and wished me Happy Birthday. I also brought them to my 3 adult English classes. I told them that it was PC's 45th Birthday where many of them wished me Happy Birthday. Many of them had seen the coverage that was shown on A1 so they already knew about it. All in all, I told about 50 people about it. Attached is a picture from one of my classes. If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks, Katlin McDonough At The Roma Right Forum ARKA here in Kumanovo we had a birthday party for the Peace Corps. I made a big sign saying "Happy Birthday Peace Corps - 45 years!" with the American and Macedonian flags on it. We had cake and special drinks. Everyone loved it. Nancy Wilson