Pauza Magazine Winter & Spring 2006 | Page 7

P a g e 7 P A U 3 A ! 2006 Carnival Strumica: Peace Corps 45th Anniversary Celebration By: Katrina Meredith – MAK 10 Despite freezing temperatures and blowing snow, 15 PCVs and international guests from Australia, Russia and Finland participated in the Carnival 2006 Parade on Tuesday, March 7. Folks started getting into Strumica on Sunday and Nancy Wilson cooked up a storm and kept us well fed with traditional Macedonian dishes. The day before the parade, we gathered to prepare our sign and watched with wary eyes as the weather worsened. Creative artists Mary Platz, Andrea Foy, and Rachel Wilkinson fashioned a wonderful sign which was attached to sturdy poles that Andrea procured from friends in Strumica. Fortified with a heavy covering of hairspray, the sign stood up against what nature had to throw at us. On Tuesday we assembled all the folks that had made their way to Strumica and Radovish along with the flags that James Tomchak managed to bring, by bus, from Peace Corps headquarters in Skopje. In addition, our resident juggler, Jesse Warner, brought small Macedonia flags to wave as we marched. Our make-up artist was Mary Platz, and Jesus Villegas added the final touch with strips of red and yellow material to wave at the crowd. James had secured us a place at the beginning of the parade, despite the last minute drop out of the kids who were to march with us. And so, off we went: Andrea Foy, Luke Hiller, Jillian Lindsey, Jeremy and Jenny McKinney, Katrina Meredith, Mary Platz, Patty Provencher, Adam Rockel, James Tomchak, Jesus Villegas, Jesse Warner, Lindsey Weber, Rachel Wilkinson, Nancy Wilson and an international assortment of hikers. We were a fine sight behind a 10 ft. tall, paper mache, bare chested Carnival Queen! Midway through our march, we were treated to a fireworks display. The sight of the waving American and Macedonia flags held by our PCVs in foreground against the backdrop of the fireworks, brought a lump to my throat. When we finally reached the reviewing stand, we danced the Oro around the flags and our 45th Anniversary sign while the speech that James had composed was being read. Our performance was impressive enough that we were featured on the TV coverage of the parade! All of the PC parade contingent then proceeded to a nearby restaurant to enjoy a complementary meal that James had obtained tickets for. After that we departed to enjoy the rest of the parade and the lively Carnival nightlife in Strumica. A good time was had by all! Hopefully when Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary rolls around, some intrepid MAK 15 PCVs will carry on the tradition!