orps office staff
holidays in Macedonia and what the Peace Corps family means to them!
My favorite food to eat
If I could spend the holidays in
during the holiday season
I am most looking forward to
another country,
2014 because...
I would go...
it is always a holi- this year I will become proud father
day for me if a
of a baby boy
have good chocolate in my hands (expected in April)
cookies, meat,
... the classics:
Russian cream salad
and homemade pastry and after that
complaining how
much weight I have
put on
because my
daughter will start
going to school.
And because we
plan to travel more
than last year
in the mountainous Switzerland
because there I
think will really
recharge my
I would go to
Vienna, Austria,
because of the
square markets,
Strauss concert and
the Sachertorte
of the new things it
spend New Year’s Eve
brings. This is why
on Times Square and
I love working for
at least a weekend in
Peace Corps, there
one of those remote
are definitely no two
but gorgeous villages
days alike… EVER!
on the Alps because...
oh, just because!
Winter 2014– 27