pcv projects
News from The Environmental Working Group
he Environmental Working Group has just selected new officers for the upcoming year.
They are: President: Spencer Fain, VP(s): Daniel O’Brien (representing Macedonian Language,
Kelly Rappe (representing Albanian Laguage, Secretary: Daniel Kostek, Communication Czar:
Rachael King
They will be working with the current officers to put together two amazing seminar/conferences. They
will be the upcoming Green Architecture in March and the annual Waste Management conference
held each year in Gevgalia in May.
Date: March 27th, 4pm (will not go later than 9pm)
Location: Faculty of Architecture (Ss. Cyril and Methodius) Partizanski Odredi Br. 24, Skopje, 4th floor
of the building (there will be signs directing people where to go).
Topics will include: Using natural materials for insulation, building structures out of natural materials,
using natural resources in Macedonia for renovation, and new technology and ideas in green architecture.
Confirmed Speakers: Faculty of Architecture - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Dushko Apostolov Green Architect, Dimitar Samardjiev - NGO Zelenata Arka
Coffee and snacks will be provided by the NGO “Go Green”
Join the Macedonian Environmental Working Group on Facebook to find out more information.
24 – Pauza Magazine