cultural experiences
eflections from
Mary Hulse - MAK 16
am sure life back in the United States is playing
out differently for all of us RPCV’s so I will do
my best to mention things that all of us might have
experienced. Maybe we should start a “Letters to
the Editors” section, but I digress…
One of my first reverse culture experiences was
triggered by the amount of excess and material
possessions that exist in America. I confess, I am
a culprit as well. I have accepted I am a culprit as
well. I was so proud of how much I didn’t bring
back, only to be smacked in the face with the
reality that I still had a wealth of belongings that I
had left behind. I do not understand how I acquired
so much stuff. My first reaction was to throw
everything away, which is impractical. Thus, I have
been slowly making a pile of things to donate. I
have started with items I received for Christmas. I
do not need anything that my friends could put to
good use. I am excited to have less stuff and room
to breathe.
important to remember we are all being confronted
by aspects of this culture that we find jarring. I hope
to remember the lessons I learned in Macedonia. I
will try my best to incorporate them into my new life.
I am glad to be home but I miss being able to w