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Take 5
By Pau3a! Person
Dear Pau3a! People,
This year marks the 5th year for Pau3a!,
Peace Corps Quarterly magazine. Why
celebrate the big 5? Well, it’s big milestone to Peace Corps Macedonia that the
new MAK 11 is the 5th successful group
to arrive here since previous evacuations. For 5 years, Volunteership in Macedonia is at an all time high and we’re
growing well.
Pau3a! was started by MAK 7 volunteers as a laid-back publication for Volunteers in Macedonia, which featured
activities of PCVs, the ever popular
horoscopes, comics, crosswords, interviews, and good recipes for a taste from
home. MAK 8 Volunteers brought new
ideas to the magazine, like the UFO
(Unidentified Foreign Objects), usually
cheap household items that imitate a
popular American brand by having a
similar name. Music reviews and even
articles from Volunteers in Eastern European PC programs were included. A
music CD of Macedonian music was
also released with one edition.
MAK 9 and 10 Volunteers have continued to keep the magazine going on a
roughly quarterly schedule. We hope
this will continue and that you are enjoying your Pau3a! time. In honor of the 5th
year, we are running some of the first
articles ever printed in the magazine
from the wisdom of the previous MAK
groups. These articles come from the
second edition of Pau3a! In 2003.
New things are added in every edition, so keep those submissions coming!