Boris Gjurovski Driver
Julijana Lukareva General Services Manager / Time-keeper empty streets in Skopje .
Darko Petreski Part-time Medical Contractor
Imran Sali Financial Systems Coordinator
features : summer 2013 meet the peace corps office
Pauza interviewed four Peace Corps staff about summer fun in Macedonia . To get you
The best thing about summer in Macedonia is ...
The one song that signifies “ summer ” to me is …
Boris Gjurovski Driver
Julijana Lukareva General Services Manager / Time-keeper empty streets in Skopje .
Pivofest and having weekend lunches and drinks with friends ( especially English language teachers ) I rarely see during the rest of the year ! Spending a weekend in Ohrid ! Having fish for lunch by the Dojran Lake !
In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry simply because it is a summer song .
Patience by Guns N ’ Roses , released in the summer of 1989 before I arrived in London ( where I lived for over 4 years ). It helped me overcome the difficult adaptation period in the host family that I ended up loving as my own after all those years I lived with them .
Darko Petreski Part-time Medical Contractor
Macedonian apricots , peaches , watermelons , … and the taste of all the other seasonal fruits and vegetables .
In |
Brasil |
by |
Andreea |
Banica |
sun , |
water , |
white |
sand , |
music , |
beauty , |
party |
ha |
ha ! |
Imran Sali Financial Systems Coordinator
38 – Pauza Magazine village tourism , the Galicnik wedding , and a weekend in Ohrid or Struga .
Dancing Queen by ABBA ( it makes me feel like a queen )