Pauza Magazine Summer 2010 | Page 6

The Other Volunteer Support Network: The Skopje Squirrel Stanley’s Delegation Visits America by Anna Koivu I would like to take a moment to introduce you to my friend Stanley, a young man who loves to travel. He’s been all over the place, but mostly likes to travel to destinations within the US. However, he had an unfortunate incident with a bulletin board sometime ago, but manages to conduct his affairs as normally as one could, considering the circumstances. You see he’s flat, flat as a pancake. Some might say even flatter. But he wouldn’t let that stand in the way of his adventures. He’s learned to adapt and now travels by envelope via FedEx or UPS, saving money and ensuring that he arrives well rested after a peaceful trip. Ordinarily, it is Flat Stanley who’s sent by mail to visit California or even the pyramids of Egypt, but this last time was different. He was feeling a bit under the weather and needed to rest, feeling it best to send proxies for this trip instead. He devised a plan to instruct my elementary school students in the art of flat travel, and expressed the excitement that comes with each new journey. The upcoming trip was important and things were to be just right. The goal of the visit was to learn that this place called the United States consists of more than just L.A. and New York. My students set out to create the flat peeps who would serve as ambassadors from the village, Cherkeze, during this trip to the States. On a chilly spring day, donning angel wings, evening gowns or other student-designed attire, ten brave souls set out in their overpriced, state-of-the-art envelopes to explore an unknown land. Each flat traveler had a different destination and purpose for their journey. Some danced, some hiked and one lucky flat guest even had her own private air excursion with her pilot host. They had ice cream in the park and saw the sights, including state capitols and the beach. Egzon was determined to visit the woods and contemplate life, while Sara is more the city type. Linda, Elena and Angel GJS (Genc-Jehon-Shkelzen) enjoyed relaxing stays in quiet towns, while Lelly is more cosmopolitan and hop-scotched around on business trips. Sinaj, Vjosa and Ashley checked out the schools and student life, whereas Stela is musically inclined and spent time with an orchestra. Each flat person stayed approximately three weeks before they bid their hosts a tearful farewell and headed back home. Upon their return they had stories and photos to share about what they’d seen and experienced while away. All students learned by the end of the trip that America is vast; it is made up of more than two cities indeed and in fact no two are the same. **Flat Stanley is a children’s book written by Jeff Brown that has been adapted into a geography project for elementary school students. For this project students draw their own flat person and send it to visit another town, state, or in this case country. The flat person is then mailed back with photos, video, maps or whatever else their host may have included, documenting the trip. This was a creative way to introduce my students to aspects of the United States and American life beyond what is portrayed in films. Thanks to the friends and family back home who hosted flat people for my activities class. by Jordan Calhoun T wo dozen teams and two dozen volunteers gathered at NOVA High School on May 29th as they hosted the Skopje Squirrel Charity Tournament. The idea for the event was simple in its conception--combine sports and philanthropy to create a charity to help the underprivileged. Sponsored by NOVA International School and Red Cross Shutka, each participating team brought donations of clothing in order to participate in the games. The “Squirrel” consisted of two tournaments, soccer and basketball, with Sarah Goldberg organizing the former and myself the latter. After countless emails, printouts, and nights scouring the basketball courts and soccer fields of Skopje, the real stars of the Squirrel came in the form of a group of volunteers who offered to do what we all do best: help out. From sign-up and registration to bake sale items, these people really came through to make the event such a success. The referees were fantastic beyond Sarah’s and my wildest dreams, doing spectacularly well in the other toughest job you’ll ever love. Heidi, the one-woman art studio, even created Squirrel trophies that will likely revolutionize sports awards worldwide. The result was a fun, competitive, and exciting event that brought thousands of articles of clothing to those who need them. Though most of our projects are supported with the help of our local schools, organizations, and host country nationals, I’ve yet to see a project where we’ve fai ?VBF??ffW"?V?F?V6??F?W"??N( ?2&VWF?gV?F???r????v??rF?B7W?'B?WGv?&??v?F?6??R?bF?R??7B&V?&?RV??P?????r?2?v?2???6???6??F???2F???v?fR??R6?V&W"?7GW&R?bF?RF?( ?2&?6VVF??w2??v?V?B??RF?7W?V?V?@????b??Rv???fR7W?'FVB&??V7G0?F??2'F?6?Rv?F?F?R7F?'??b?FR&V??WGB?&F??F?R????( ?2f?6'V?'???7V6?2V'F?F??F?R?F????7V???p?67V?7G??R??B&6?R&6?WF&????wVvR?'WB?77W&R??R?B?2?V6W76'?f?"F?P?&VR?t??r??B?????BF????7B?bF?RF?R??R?W'6?????g&??6&??B?Rf? ??V???rv?F?F?R7V?'&V????????@???6?F??2v27&???fVV??S?'WB?7vV"F??2?2??r?B?V?VB?7FV???6?F?P??6W?&RGv??bF?R&W7B&Vv?7G&'2?( ?fP?F?&VR????B6???F?WB?B7F'FVB?&?v?C??BGVFW2vW&R?&VG????( ??fbBF?P?WfW"6VV???W"&Vg2vW&R7FV??"??BvP???WF?F?V6??F?W"?WfW'?&?G?F???( ??GF?RG&6??6???( ???rW&RF?W????2?6??6???V7FVB??&R6??F???rF??F???2F???fWrGVFW2v?BF?V?"GW&??&?v?C??B?WB?b?76?&?RF??'G????7B6G26??B??Rf?fR??vRWfW"??v??VBvRv?V?B?6??WF??W0?6WfV????&R???R??2?f?????F?R?7B6???FW"v2W??BGVFRG&?VBf?W'FVV???vR?v?BfVV?2?bvR&RV?FW'f?VV@?&?v?C??&?v?B?6?F?V?vRF???F?RF?Gv?6???FW'2??GVFRF?B6??B??RF??V??@????W"6?FW2?'WB?WfW"F?V'BF?B??W ?F?R?7BGVFRF?B6??Bf?W'FVV??'WBt?B??FR&V??WGBv?2W?7G&?v?B?W??P?6???VwVW2???rF?ffW&V?F???VW?66V?Rg&??F?6?W?gFW"?66????7V6????B6?2??????R?( ?6?????wW?3?( ???v?&???r????W"6???V??F?W2??B?VW????VV????R?6??( ????R??V???b6?W'6R?v?B?&?6?V?B?BF?????V???@?v?&???rv?F?V6??F?W"???V?v???RvR??????( ????W2??R( ?v?V?F?( ?B?B&RgV????b?FR&??VB??RFV??F?&VW3?( ?F?R6??6?7F'FVB?B????B??R??B??FR?FR?B$???6????RgFW ?F?R?F?W"??&?r?&?r?&?r????W?&?????&?r6?RG&?VBd?U%DTT??B6V?@?F?R?F?W"f???7B&6?F?F?R6?FV??W2f?"??6??R??Bv2??R6?P?v2f?&W6?F?v??r&???V???v?R"?B4?R??( ?BUdT??D?R?db?U"4?DU2???( ?B6VV???F???( ???RF?B6??6R?6????4V?v????#b?r?????RF??( ?B???rv??F?B?2?6V&6?f? ?GVFR??v??v?R??@??v??76'??????( ??fbBF?R??WF??fW&"??F?F?G&6???gFV???7?'G0??????V?6??'Bf?"( ?V?W"?( ?2???V??6??B??&6?WF&??????V??( ?F???R???rv?B??V??( ????W?&?â??F?&VR????B6??WF?F???2?F?R???W?&???2F?R?7B&????bV6?6???F??r6V7F????B?2v?'F?F?V&?RF?R???G0??6???4V?v???&??v??&V6V?fVB?F?????VF??W2?B?WBF?P?&W6?FV?BgFW"??2W&f?&??6R?b66?&??rGvV?G????G2??f?W"??WFW0?????v?66????v?P??b?W??????F?B??R???s??6VF????f7G0?6????VB'?Ff?B??6???V?F???cb??'&?r?vVvR&??v?W??7FVB???r??6Wf?v?F?F?RF?v?2?b??&?B?B7G'Vv?'V??BGW&??rv?&?Bv"?'?F?P?'V?v&??&?2??F'???R?G&??2&???6RF???V6?F?&V7F????BF???&?V?BGvV?G??Gv???W'2F?&V6?7G'Vv?F?P?f???7F??g&??6???R?F?RF???vW&??V?v??W26?V?B&V6?????V?7VVB?bR??????B?BF?&Vf???F?V?"vFW"F??0?g&WVV?F???gFV?g&????V?F??7G&V?2?6?&?R?Wv?2?v??&?FRF?RG&?????cR?&W?'FVBF?BF?RG&??( ?26??r7VVBff?&FV@??????'GV??F?W2F??V??fb?B'V??VBF?F?R?7GW&W2?F?F?( ?2??6Wf????&?B??v?v??&vV?&??V?2F?R??B&??v??@??V?&W"?b&V???G2?bF?R??R7F???W??7B???R7G'Vv( ?2&??v?7FF????7&?72F?R7G&VWBg&??7b?F??G&??6?W&6????rW6VB2???W6R???R?bF?R??BG&??2&V???2?WG6?FR??6Wf?( ?2'W2?G&??7FF?????6?W&6S??GG???wwr?V???&f?6????????&?B??F????7V??W"#?p???